I am waiting for some new understanding

by spiritwalker 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • spiritwalker

    Recently the actually value of the UN has been questioned on a global scale. With many nations ignore the UN and even using it as a subject of humor, in that it has proven to be useless. The United States seems to care less and less about what it does and seems to be building its own way of doing things, without the UN involved. Which I personally think is a great idea. Yet, what about the prophecies we had shoved down our throat as Witnesses in the book of Revelations? When is there going to be some new understanding, that rewrites all that crap and goes with something new? It seems like there needs to be something new, soon, as the old stuff is getting outdated daily on the UN.

    I always love the prophets of the Watchtower. They do not do as prophets of old, and declare prophecy and how it will apply to the future (which would make you think divine guidance). Rather, they are praised for apply their prophecy ideas to things, after the fact, and there people think it is God speaking. I wonder, if there was a truck about to hit you on the road and I let it hit you. Would you think I had ESP, if I came up and said "I saw that coming and knew it was going to hit you" or would you just think I was an ass? Oh well, an ass did talk in the bible history and it only makes sense that another one would speak today. So it is time for some new understanding from the Watchtower and time for people to praise the Watchtower for warning them of bible prophecy and how it applies to the past. Wouldn't you say?

  • joannadandy

    Actually I just had a conversation with my JW dad about this.

    Of course watching the news and world events he can't help but utter, "The end is soon".

    I asked him, "But I thought the prophecy was that the UN would take over as nation unto itself and sort of lead the world. The United States pretty much ignored the UN, how can they be in league together?"

    He thinks that it's just nations IN the UN that the prophecy is talkiing about.

    To which I said, "Well France and Germany are in the UN, but think vastly differently from the United States on world affairs...how can they all combine to lead the world into the great day of Armaggedon?"

    He then went on about how maybe that's how it would happen--such discord between the united nations--

    To which I said, "I thought the prophecy said the UN had to be a ruler, even if it was for a short time. It doesn't look like anyone pays heed to the UN."

    No comment.

    He and I have also talked about how all religion will be done away with--thus the testing and persecution of JW's and then the end will come. To which I said, "But Dad, there is a huge resurgance of religious fervor--Bush is the most religious president we have had recently. How on earth is the UN going to get people to abolish all relgion anytime soon--the end is at least 20-30 years away...and that's with a short persecution time".

    I am evil. He usually just bristles that I don't understand anything. And I don't. But I am comforted by the fact that neither does he or any other JW for that matter.

    The UN thing is of total interest to me. It's becoming more and more of a lip service organization, and I would not be surprised to see it's demise in my lifetime...leaving the JW's to have to re-write even more doctrine.

  • spiritwalker
    He then went on about how maybe that's how it would happen

    So, true! There is so must disorganization in the organization, these days. Especially with the long time members getting confused over what never happened and the short time members, not being taught what used to be. It is becoming a battle of the confused mind. In that the long time members do not understand the growing doubt within them and the short time members do not understand why people feel so different then them. What a mess! Not the religion I remember it being.

    Of course, it is a way of life for many. Any a screwed up way of life, that you are used to, is better then another life, that you do not know. Comfort factor! People in, feel comfortable.

  • Surreptitious
    He thinks that it's just nations IN the UN that the prophecy is talkiing about.

    Technically that's right. The wild beast is the nations that make up the UN. The UN itself is the image of the wild beast. Revelation 13:14, 15.

  • spiritwalker

    Did you know that predictions of man "fictional" writers have been used to predict the end of the world? Did you know that the same method used to develop the "bible code", can be used in other great peices of work such as Moby Dick to show signs of the last days? So on and so forth, but why?

    Because even enough experience, time, and bending of the imagination. Any time frame and many books, both Bible and non-biblical. Can be bent to be what ever you wish it to be. It happens all the time, and it will happen again and again. If your mind is weak enough to accept the BS, there will always be a follower of your destored work.

  • heathen

    surreptitous has a point . From what I've read in revelation is that the lamb beast projects the image of the beast that received the death blow and was healed . We can see how the US and britain continue to try and sway the world opinion that they alone have the ability to bring world peace regardless of what the UN as a whole says. They clearly disregarded the democratic vote in the UN and continued to proclaim they will bring peace and security without interferance from other nations . The plot thickens .

  • SixofNine

    While I disagree strongly with the assertion that the UN has proven to be worthless, and even more with the idea that the USA should ignore it, I still agree that there is a strong argument against the JW's interpretation. Heck, just by virtue of the fact that this is an arguement that can be had, the case is made that the borgs interpretation is just plain silly.

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