Watchtower requests sexual abuse suit to be dismissed

by StarTrekAngel 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • StarTrekAngel
  • darkspilver

    The allegations were also reported to the Vermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services Social Services Division in 1997, and True submitted to a polygraph test administered by a detective from the Vermont State Police, which True passed. As a result, no charges were filed.

  • JWdaughter

    I don't see how the WT is responsible for this case. If it happened to another child, that child might possibly, but even so. . .

  • Vidiot

    Appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty-appeal-not guilty... this point, the Legal Dept is just following a goddamn script. :smirk:

  • cofty

    Unless the alleged abuser had a history of abuse that was known to the congregation it is difficult to see how they can be held liable in this instance.

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