JW.org missing the point of the last supper

by neat blue dog 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Of course most Christians partake in different ways at different intervals (the Bible never says strictly annual) but obviously the main point is Christ's flesh and blood. For JWs the main attraction is the organization's sales pitch and in the new 2023 memorial invitation they pretty much admit it, quote:

    The main feature of the Memorial is a talk
  • waton

    a talk in which wt turns the "blood of the new covenant, for forgiveness of sin" for many" to

    the emblem of the '1914 kingdom' covenant for the very few.

  • enoughisenough

    most members are literally celebrating a "passover" ...they just pass the plate of glass over! According to WT study 14 10/15 ( maybe paragraph 14 ) The New Covenant creates the nation of spiritual Israel and is the legal basis for the anointed ones to become "joint heirs with Christ". But how can anointed ones rule with Jesus as kings and priests in Heaven? Another legal arrangement allows for that. Anyone who cross references the scriptures about the new covenant will learn it is as Jesus said, a means of forgiveness of sins for the many. They won't find it only referring to the 144,000. That is WT twisting and stretching and misrepresenting. Just check the Bible references without WT blinders on.

  • TonusOH

    The main feature is a talk where they remind you not to partake if you're one of the unlucky many who won't get to be in Heaven with God.

  • Ding

    The WT makes it seems as if it's a sacrifice for the anointed to go to Heaven instead of petting lions and having picnics on a paradise earth.

    Think of how many JWs say, "I wouldn't want to go to Heaven. What would I do there?"

  • enoughisenough

    I mentioned this in another post...Jesus said he wouldn't drink the product of the vine again with them ( disciples) until he did it in the Kingdom of God. ( so they eat bread and drink wine in heaven? I read it as earthly!)

  • waton

    all partakers at the last supper had an earthly hope, technically even Jesus, the second Adam, up until 40 days after his death. Acts 1:7, "establish kingdom [of Israel] now?"

  • Rattigan350

    Yes, the Bible says it is to be annual.

    The memorial is to replace the passover which was annual.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog


    You're using JW logic here. The running theme of Christianity is that the old law was a shadow of things to come, and says explicitly not to get caught up with specifics about rules and even dates. Similarly regarding the Sabbath, Paul said that rather than continuing to be weekly on a specific day it means living for Christ regularly.

  • waton

    Rattigan like Ratzinger (RIP), you are relying on old rules, but if you do that, then you have to be consistent, then

    all members of the 12 tribes* have to be in the new covenant, partake, not just the kings and priests.

    wt proclamation: "millions [of the 12 tribes] will never die" . so,

    these non anointed never pay for their sins with their personal death, they need to have New Covenant ransom forgiveness of their sins more than the partakers who, at the latest, pass away to heaven at the outset of the Great Tribulation,

    be generous, let them all have it. like Catholics, they all eat and drink the real thing, symbolically, thank you.

    * Math.19:28.

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