Without beginning nor end

by JH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    How can someone or something have no beginning? I can understand having no end, but to have no beginning is something I never did understand. I guess that I'm not the only one.

    Ok, they will say that it's a mystery.

    I don't think it's a question of not understanding how old God is, but if he didn't have a beginning, well maybe he doesn't exist. Usually what doesn't start, doesn't exist...

    Anybody care to explain the unexplainable?

  • drwtsn32

    Where is the beginning and end of a circle?

    We cannot comprehend something not having a beginning. Everything in our physical universe had a beginning.

  • seedy3
    Where is the beginning and end of a circle?

    Hmmm........... is that "Circular" reasoning??


  • JH

    Maybe we would comprehend if it was explained...

  • Sentinel

    Hummmmmmm. When one stops to reason on this subject, it comes to mind that absolutely nothing completely dies. Even in decomposition, those once living organizms are recalled back to dust. Dust is not dead. Every atom, every minute particle within an atom lives because it is energy. Life is energy, whatever form it takes.

    The universal creator(s) is/are without beginning or end, just as every other piece of of the tiniest micro-organism. Everything keeps recycling time after time on different levels....


  • Mulan

    I remember a math teacher explaining that concept. He put a decimal point on the blackboard and told us to start putting numbers on, in each direction, pretending that there were no boundaries to the board, until we got to the end and the beginning. You would never finish. I thought it was a cool illustration, similar to the circle.

  • Dawn

    Our understanding is limited by the universe as WE know it.

    For example, what if you could step into a 2 dimensional universe - then try to explain to them what a 3 dimensional universe was like.

    Now - try to imagine a dimension without time.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Yeah, what did God do before he created us? Who did he have to laugh at and enjoy seeing in misery and miserableness?

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