I have read the summary on a couple of days of the DC. I am interested if anyone has more specific information on the changes to the Ministry School. Will the Bible reading stay in its present format? If there is no council slip (as noted by some posters)how can it be called a school? My DC is some way off and I will be attending so please, Fred, dont be half smart and say 'why dont you go and find out'
? on new Ministry School
by why144000 5 Replies latest jw friends
Ok, how about...WAIT AND SEE?
Welcome to the Board there young whipper snapper. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate? -
I heard that the organization is trying to do away with actually reading the Bible as much as possible, so I think that the Bible reading is going to be done away with.
I heard that they are packaging a new Bible with just the relevent scriptures in it and all the other pesky ones removed.
John 1:1? You're outta' here!!!!
Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!
Pork Chop
The reading is just going to be a straight reading, no introductory or closing comments, and it won't be the Bible all of the time. The idea is to improve public reading skills, and that's certainly needed.
As far as the counsel slip goes. it's kind of strange. There'll be points to work on, the School Overseer just writes it down when you start on a point and then when you're finished with it. I guess maybe they're conserving paper?
The Bible highlights get longer and the instruction talk gets shorter.
It will NO LONGER be called "school" as the Org. continues to discourage higher edjumacation.
Ahhhh, but there will be Detention if you dont perform your assignment properly. That means you will be locked in your KH library with Pastor Russell books, soggy, moldy Hoagies and warm Lemon Lime Shasta left over from the 1980,s.
As for the council slip, well, council will be left up to the JUDICI....er, uhh, Council Committee, once again, in the library, where you will have your chance to repent for your poor performances and the fact that repeated Detention has done NO DAMN GOOD!!!Boozy
Boozy, I'm giving you a [W] on effective use of your Shasta.
Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!