What do these words mean (Judge Not be Not Judged ?) ... ie As a Witness and as not a Witness.
Judge Not Be Not Judged
by Paradise Found 5 Replies latest jw friends
It means that if you judge people you will be judged by the same judgment that you placed upon that person.
You tell someone that they're gonna burn in hell, well, you are judging them, right?
Paul talks about it this way...You who preach against adultery...do you commit adultery..etc.
Paradise Found
If you tell someone "They will burn in hell " you are judging them.
Tell them they will" live forever" you are also judging them.
(How are we judged by that measure).....
(Matthew 7:1,2) "Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2. for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU .
Excerpts for the WatchTower 1990 10/1 22 directly quoted as to their meaning of the above text.
5 During the first century C.E., because of oral traditions, the Pharisees in general tended to judge others harshly. Any of Jesus? listeners who were in the habit of doing that were to stop it. It is so much easier to see the straws in the eyes of others than the rafters in our own?and much more reassuring to our ego! As one man said, "I love to criticize others because it makes me feel so good!" Habitually censuring others may give us feelings of virtue that seem to compensate for faults of our own that we want to hide. But if correction is necessary, it should be given in a spirit of mildness. The one giving correction should be ever conscious of his own shortcomings.?Galatians 6:1.
Before Judging, Try Understanding
Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save it. Any judgments he made were not his but were based on the words God gave him to speak. (John 12:47-50) Any judgments we make should also be in harmony with Jehovah?s Word. We must squelch the human tendency to be judgmental. In doing this, we should persistently pray for Jehovah?s help: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened to you. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened." (Matthew 7:7, 8) Even Jesus said: "I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative; just as I hear, I judge; and the judgment that I render is righteous, because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me."?John 5:30.7 We should cultivate the habit, not of judging people, but of trying to understand them by putting ourselves in their place?not an easy thing to do but a necessary thing if we are to abide by the Golden Rule, which Jesus next proclaimed: "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean." (Matthew 7:12) So Jesus? followers must be sensitive and discern the mental, emotional, and spiritual state of others. They must perceive and understand the needs of others and take a personal interest in assisting them. (Philippians 2:2-4) Years later Paul wrote: "For the entire Law stands fulfilled in one saying, namely: ?You must love your neighbor as yourself.?"?Galatians 5:14.
8 "Go in through the narrow gate," Jesus next said, "because broad and spacious is the road leading off into. Allow me to extract the straw from your eye?; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother?s eye."?Matthew 7:1-5.
I hope these will be helpful and give you a rough Idea to what Jesus meant in Math7:1-2
Love Orangefatcat.
Paradise Found
Thankyou for your point Orangefatcat.
It made posting the question worthwhile.
I Lookforward to meditating on your comment.