Thanks to everyone for the very warm welcome. I do beleive that I have come to the right place and am very excited about it! It is so nice to be surrounded by people who actually understand how I feel and what I am going through. It is so hard to explain to people who have never been a part of the "organization". I am very excited to here and look forward to gettting to know everyone!!
Thanks for the warm welcome!
by Meg 8 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Meg. Glad you found us.
P.S. I read your profile. My hubby and I went through the same thing years ago. We ended up getting married by a Justice of the Peace. From a 100 guest list for our wedding it got dwindled down to 25 close friends. You find out who your friends are, and they definitely aren't in the borg.
franklin J
Hi Meg,
I feel comfortable in this forum also, and was as excited as you are when I discovered it. I have been away from the JWs for 20 years and have never encountered any other ex JWs, except on this site. We are a unique group!
Hi Meg - I think I asked you this before, but I can't find the thread - you're in Michigan?
So are many of us - and we meet-up regularly. Whereabouts are you? (PM me if you wish).
Hi Pettygrudger,
Yes, I am in Michigan. I just moved to Clinton Township. Where are you at?
Well, the majority of us are in the "Detroit Area" - SouthEastern Detroit - myself am further north . That's the 94 - Metro Parkway area no?
Will PM you details on our next meet-up - hope you will make it!!!!!! We're a pretty fun group - and we have quite a few "wise ones" in our midst.
Yes, that is right 94 and MetroParkway. I would love to meet up with you guys! Let me know!!
I am new here to Meg and know what you mean. I have learnt so much since coming here and am glad I did! I have faded away from the org over the last 5 or 6 years and have no qualms about it. I left confident that it was not the true religion but another cult or such. However what I have learnt hear has helped me understand that I still thought of it as the truth but just wasnt beating myself up about it. I now no longer view it as anything but a cult religion who expends a lot of energy controlling the flock! I consider myself lucky to escape from it without too much fuss and bother but I was not brought up in the troof nor did I have my partner in the truth. I never felt so alone as when I was with other witnesses. A sad reflection of the true nature of the organisation! Welcome my love, look around, pull up your keyboard and join in!
Welcome Meg