Question for the British re: Anschluss

by IronGland 3 Replies latest social current

  • IronGland

    British, when er..if a referendum is called to decide on the annexation of the British Isles into the US, how would you vote and how many of your countryman would vote against it?

  • Gadget

    Personally, I think we would be much better off as part of the US than as a part of Europe.

  • core

    Only problem with your question is to assume we Brits will be allowed a referendum - whatever the Govt wants it gets - tied into Europe / Annexed by Alaska - if Tony wants it - we get it - this is the only Democracy with the old one liner from our PM - it's one man one vote and I'm the man

  • Matty

    I would certainly vote for it - I wouldn't have to worry about all this immigration crap and I could come and go when I want!

    Seriously though, I think that Britain should do whatever it needs to do if it is proven to be in it's economic interests. They shouldn't hold back because of sentiment or emotion.

    If creating a United States of Europe or even joining the USA increases the wealth and security of the people of the country, then Britain should go for whatever needs to be done and look forward instead of looking backward.

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