Hi. I have read numerous posts throughout this forum. I want to get your opinions on why so many people here are so deeply invested in discussing these issues. I find it quite interesting because some dubs (on the fringe of dubland) and ex-dubs vigorously argue against WT doctrine while other Dubs and ex-Dubs vigorously argue against the existence of God. My question is from where does all the vigor come? I.e., why do you care so much about these matters? I will greatly appreciate your responses.
by seesthesky 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nathan Natas
I would ask you where the JWs "investment" in exposing "false religion" come from.
Personally, I would say probably because I had it rammed down my throat for 22 years.
Plus, of course, I just enjoy discussion and debate about any topic of interest. I think you'll find that the political threads, for example, are just as "vigorous."
Are you a or have you been a JW? For many leaving is like opening their eyes for the first time. Everything is new and needs to be processed. Ideas once assumed wrong or evil need to be reconsidered.
Having someone to talk to who is a few steps ahead in this process can be very helpful even healthful. Such a friend can be invaluable for avoiding the traps of irrationality and self destructive vice. For this reason many here are offering their research and advice. These discussions offer a sounding board for people of all persuasions. Where else can you find witches, clergymen, trans-sexuals, scientists, and an occasional neurotic dicussing the same topic? Everyone enjoys communicating their views. Unfortunately not everyone enjoys hearing other views so sometimes these discussions become spiteful and meanspirited. Regretfully I've done it myself. Most of the time tho the posters allow enuf room for evryone's view to be calmly aired and weighed. Iv'e learned as much here as I've shared, perhaps more. And this is because i have stayed long enuf to here many sides of an issue and have attempted (sometimes futilely) to defend my own. My investment here has been worthwhile. -
franklin J
I agree with PeacefulPetes post and add the following:
based on my life experiences as a JW ( raised in it until 22 years of age) I managed to leave back in the early 80s and rebuild my life. As Peacefulpete said, you have to relearn an entire system of values. Easier said than done I have found other x JWs to be a very unique group. We have shared very unique specific experiences which, in my case anyway, caused many insecurities and neurosis ( who ever said being ostrasized never left any psycological effects?) Sharing these experiences as we rebuild our lives is encouraging and supportive. It is reassuring ( if nothing else) to know that there are others out there who have had the same experiences. We know that we are not alone, and give each other the incentive to move forward and make the best of our lives. We certainly cannot expect that of the Watchtower society with its " shunning" policies.
The world really is a small place, and the internet has made it that much smaller.
I collect 8-Tracks!
Basically, this "religion" engulfed my life for 13 years and robbed me of my childhood. I care to discuss this shit because it was a horrible part of my history. Talking about it helps me heal. The fact that others can relate helps. When I had doubts, and even after I quit altogether, I never met anyone who had the same background as me. This forum is full of people with the same background. We all understand the JW lingo, and we can finally freely make jokes about it. It's a great feeling to know that I'm not alone on this issue after thinking that I was for a long time.
I agree that this is a place where you can talk to people that have shared interests. Sometimes it is hard to relate to people that do not see the Watchtower as a cult or thier activities as destructive. This site also gives me a heads up to some of the literature and another viewpoint so that I can discuss it with my wife(still in).