A few years back I started Reg. Pioneering. A had a horrible start to the year with alot of stuff going wrong at work and was only able to preach some 40 hours in the first 4 months of the pioneering. The CO comes to visit the cong in January and tells the elders that I need to make a promise to catch up with my hours or quit the pioneering completely. (catching up would mean an average of 100 hours preaching for the following 8 months)...I decided to quit. When asked why I was quiting I said "Well, I dont want to quit, but since the CO said I need to 'shape up or ship out'....I am quiting because the CO threathend to remove me if I did not catch up." The PO and the other elder went nuts. They said that I need another reason. It had to be a personal reason...something like my shcedule does not allow me to preach more or I have a big illness or something. I said "No!" "I would be lying if I said that....I want you to tell WTS that I am quiting becaus the CO is gonna remove me if I dont shape up." Then I said "Given my situation right now, I will not be able to do 100 hours a month, but I will do my best to do." They said..."we need you to say that your quiting because you cant handle it anymore, not because the CO said something"
I got up and said "If you put anything other than I am quiting because the CO said he would remove me, you are some lying bastards!" Then I walked out..
As I knew they would, they lied and said that I quit because of "scheduling reasons" That is a load of bull