Not much in my search of the WT-CD from 1993 to 2001.
w96 4/1 pp. 22-23 "Work, Not for the Food That Perishes" ***
Our family eventually settled in the small town of Ellensburg in the state of Washington, about 110 miles [180 km] east of Seattle. When we children started attending the meetings of the Bible Students with Mother, we met in private homes. All the men left our study group when the need to share in the house-to-house ministry was stressed. But Mother never wavered. This left the lasting impression on me always to trust in the direction of Jehovah?s organization.
w87 2/1 p. 30 Attend the 1987 "Trust in Jehovah" District Convention ***This year the convention will be for three full days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. By adjustments in the length of the sessions, the program will virtually contain the same amount of material as last year. The purpose of all the features of the program, we may be sure, will be to strengthen our trust in Jehovah as well as in the visible organization he is using at the present time.
w87 12/1 p. 22 Graduation of the 83rd Gilead Class Truly a Festive Occasion ***The first speaker was Martin Poetzinger, also a member of the Governing Body, who spent nine years in Nazi concentration camps. His theme was "In Whom Do You Trust?" based on Proverbs 3:5, 6. He stressed to the students the need of trusting fully in Jehovah and his visible organization, as well as individually proving trustworthy.
w74 7/15 p. 441 The Godly Qualities of Love and Hate ***
"believes all things." This is not to imply that Christians are gullible. The point is that Christians have implicit trust in their heavenly Father; they do not question what he tells them through his written Word and organization. Things work out well for those who in this trusting way go along with God?s way of doing things.
w64 7/15 p. 432 Faithful Endurance in the "Time of the End" ***It is another thing to keep right on being firm, confident in Jehovah, trusting in him and in the direction his organization gives.
w64 12/15 p. 766 Assemblies Manifest "Fruitage of the Spirit" ***Others who were affected, immediately began to take steps to change their secular employment, thus reflecting the spirit?s fruitage of faith by trusting the guidance of God?s Word and his organization.
w60 5/1 p. 260 Why Murmur? ***In particular should all those dedicated Christians in the New World society examine themselves when tempted to murmur. Jehovah was leading his organization before we ever became a part of it; so let us humbly put our faith and trust in him and in the instruments he has chosen to act as overseers in various capacities. If conditions really do need correcting, have patience and faith that God will correct them in his due time
w57 5/1 p. 284 Trust Your Proved, Faithful Brothers ***Showing respect for Jehovah?s organization really resolves itself down to our attitude toward God?s visible channel and the trust that we place in our proved, faithful brothers. If we have become thoroughly convinced that this is Jehovah?s organization, that he is guiding and directing his people, then we shall not be unsettled by anything that happens. If something comes up that we do not understand we will wait patiently until it is made thoroughly clear to us.
yb91 p. 138 Sweden?1991 Yearbook Report ***Thus the brothers and sisters were vigorously encouraged to trust in Jehovah?s organization and push ahead with the work.
yb83 p. 141 Portugal ***These studies began to be held with greater frequency. But a tendency arose to deviate from the published material and to give private interpretations. Finally, young Garrido spoke up: "Why don?t we hold to the material published in the magazines instead of introducing other information? After all, is not everything we need published by the Society? We have already confirmed the fact that we can put full trust in Jehovah?s organization. I suggest we limit our study to asking the questions, looking up the scriptures and then reading all the paragraphs in the magazine and not just the ones we like."
yb73 p. 61 Brazil ***Nevertheless, they set aside the days for the assembly and held meetings and engaged in the field ministry, with the result that 16 publishers spent 249 hours in the field, made 28 return visits and placed 153 pieces of literature. They demonstrated their full trust in Jehovah?s organization.
yb71 p. 176 Country Reports (Part One) ***For years, however, the brothers have operated under hard conditions, and so, trusting in Jehovah and in his organization, they continue to carry out the work as best they can.