by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    i WOULD LIKE 2 GO 2 1 which has lots of fistfights/scandals etc etc.

    Make it my day by naming such a congregation.

  • Englishman


    You must visit the Weston super Mare (Woodspring) congregation!

    There's been fistfights in the KH car park, hair tugging between mothers in law and daughters in law, shouting and screaming of all sorts. There's been one father of several difficult children who shouts and bawls at them all the way to and from the meetings, there's been one guy who used to cut his daughters hair off so that he wouldn't be attracted to her.

    This is a congregation that is huge in numbers yet has never produced it's own PO in 40 years!

    It's much more peaceful in the pub.


  • smurfette

    Grand Marais congregation, Minnesota used to be good for a wicked fistfight. My brother left so now it's probably alot less exciting.

    Silver Bay congregation just up the road isn't big on fistfights but they get some awesome scandals.

    I don't think I'd be able to handle all the down time involved in hanging out with those people again, though. Just watch Jerry Springer for a good scandal/fistfight fix.

  • Flowerpetal

    I must have lived a sheltered life! I have never been to a congregation where this stuff went on, at least overtly--don't know what went on in families.

  • dustyb

    heh, scandals are everywhere, it just depends on if you want to find them or not. i know it happens around here, but i don't know what they are because i don't want to know. i think the whole religion is a scandal in itself.

  • Stefanie

    If you want a good scandal/laugh you have to start one!

    Here is what you do. Attend the Watchtower study and raise your hand at most serious question of the study, then quickly put the mike next to your @ss and let err rip!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    there's been one guy who used to cut his daughters hair off so that he wouldn't be attracted to her.

    Oh good grief.... SICKO !!!!

  • badboy

    wasn't there a congregation(SPEAN)(sp?) in the NY area where a jealous husband attempted 2 shoot an elder who was having an affair with his wife.

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