Tell me what you think. I found it to be very fascinating.
Any comments?
Interesting comparison link
by JenGill97 2 Replies latest jw friends
I think it's a treasure trove of info on a lot of religious sects and cult like orgs. Thanks for the link.
It is an interesting table.
Some weaknesses (in my opinion):
The references to those resurrected to heaven as being gods, which pre-dates by decades the teaching of an earthly "great crowd" or "other sheep". Not much relevance to modern JWs.
Rebuttals to non-celebration of birthdays and Mother's day, the New World Translation, Translation of John 1:1, denial of the Trinity are basically just statements of the opposing opinion, without reference to Scripture or any other authorititve source.
It is a good summary of some of the opposing viewpoints of fundamentalist religions, but a JW would not be convinced at all by it. Of course, every box in the table is a subject with the potential for huge amounts of discussion, the format used could only be a fleeting summary.