Each 2 minute video has an excellent sound track showing how the JW went nuts.
The Worst Case - https://youtu.be/l10NFqDiEfU The Killers - https://youtu.be/_Pjg19xxvS0 The Hitman - https://youtu.be/Bqgsm94z4Oo TV Reporter Who Shot Crew on Live TV - https://youtu.be/o3BQf-mfJQs The Melgar Case - https://youtu.be/y-VhgBu2at0 The Nutjobs - https://youtu.be/ToWaje9Uf0g The Mega Fraudsters - https://youtu.be/fWar6jaQohw The Nazi Brothers - https://youtu.be/YXz9i0k5ju8
I'll be making a child sexual abuse documentary if you all like this one.
The Worst Case - https://youtu.be/l10NFqDiEfU The Killers - https://youtu.be/_Pjg19xxvS0 The Hitman - https://youtu.be/Bqgsm94z4Oo TV Reporter Who Shot Crew on Live TV - https://youtu.be/o3BQf-mfJQs The Melgar Case - https://youtu.be/y-VhgBu2at0 The Nutjobs - https://youtu.be/ToWaje9Uf0g The Mega Fraudsters - https://youtu.be/fWar6jaQohw The Nazi Brothers - https://youtu.be/YXz9i0k5ju8
I'll be making a child sexual abuse documentary if you all like this one.