October 1, 2034 (my guess, I'll be over 80 by then if I'm still around)
I found these quotes here on work on my WT-CD 1999. Notice how the WTS plays the "faithful"?
*** w99 1/15 7 Determined to Follow God's Way of Life ***
Following a lunch break, the afternoon session started with the talk "Serving With Endless Life in View." God?s purpose to have obedient humans serve him forever on earth will be fulfilled. How fitting it is, then, that we
focus our thinking, plans, and hopes on serving Jehovah with eternity in view! While we want to
keep "the day of Jehovah" close in mind, it is vital to
remember that our goal is to serve for eternity. (2 Peter 3:12)
Not knowing the exact time when Jesus will execute God?s vengeance keeps us vigilant and gives us daily opportunities to prove that we serve Jehovah with unselfish motives.
*** w99 6/1 5 God Is Not Slow Regarding His Promise ***
According to this way of figuring time, an 80-year-old person has lived only about two hours, and all of mankind?s history has lasted only about six days. When we look at things from this perspective, it becomes easier for us to understand God?s way of dealing with us.
God, however, is not indifferent to time. On the contrary, he is very time conscious. (Acts 1:7) Peter, therefore, goes on to say: "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Unlike humans, God does not feel pressured to do things as if time were running out for him. As the "King of eternity," he has a marvelous overview and can determine when in the stream of time his actions will do the most good for all involved.?1 Timothy 1:17.
After explaining the reason for God?s apparent slowness, Peter sounds this warning: "Jehovah?s day will come as a thief." That is to say, the day of accounting will come just when people are not expecting it. Then, in the following verses, Peter points to the marvelous prospect for those manifesting "holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion," namely, that they may survive into God?s promised "new heavens and a new earth."?2 Peter 3:10-13.
This should make us appreciate all the more that God?s judgment has not yet come. His patience has made it possible for us to come to know his purpose and to adjust our lives in order to receive his promised blessings. Should we not view "the patience of our Lord as salvation," as Peter argues? (2 Peter 3:15) There is, however, another factor in God?s patience.
*** w99 7/15 18 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***
Still others scuttle their ship of faith because in their view the haven of the new system of things does not yet seem to be appearing on the horizon.
Unable to make time calculations concerning the fulfillment of certain prophecies, and putting "Jehovah?s day" off in their minds, they abandon true worship. (2 Peter 3:10-13; 1 Peter 1:9) They soon find themselves back in the murky, troubled waters of the present system of things. (Isaiah 17:12, 13; 57:20) Some who have stopped associating with the Christian congregation still believe that it practices the true religion. However, they
evidently lack the patience and endurance required to wait for the new world that Jehovah God has promised. Life in Paradise has not come soon enough for them. *** w98 5/1 13 Jehovah's Day Is Near ***
God?s locust army will not stop its work until the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah breaks out. The
very existence of this unstoppable locust force is remarkable proof that Jehovah?s day is near. Are you not delighted to serve among God?s anointed locusts and their companions in the final onslaught before Jehovah?s great and fear-inspiring day?
*** w98 5/1 15 Who Will "Get Away Safe"? ***
Since those early years, the affairs of the Israel of God have moved ahead.
The sealing of the anointed appears to be well advanced, and since the 1930?s a great crowd of meek ones with an earthly hope have appeared on the scene. (Revelation 7:3, 9) All feel a sense of urgency, for the second fulfillment of Joel 2:28, 29
shows that we are close to an even greater fear-inspiring day of Jehovah, when a worldwide religious, political, and commercial system of things will be destroyed. We have every reason to ?call on the name of Jehovah? in full faith that he will deliver us!
*** w98 6/1 4 Beware of Ridiculers! ***
The apostle Peter refers to a future intervention by God Almighty. "Jehovah?s day will come as a thief," Peter warns. (2 Peter 3:10) At that time God will remove the ungodly from the entire globe and spare those who are judged to be righteous. As this journal has frequently explained, Christ Jesus? "presence" began in 1914. But his taking action as God?s Executioner to remove wickedness is yet future. Consequently, the apostle?s warning to beware of ridiculers applies now with greater urgency.
You may already have waited a long time for divine intervention in man?s affairs. What will help you to continue to wait patiently without becoming the prey of ridiculers?
Wait Patiently
THE shepherd who repeatedly cried "Wolf!" when there was no wolf found that his subsequent cry for help went unheeded. Similarly today, many disregard the imminence of Jehovah?s day because they have heard countless warnings that have proved to be false alarms. The very fact that so many fail to discern which warning is genuine and then heed it plays into the hands of God?s great enemy, Satan, that false "angel of light."?2 Corinthians 11:14.
"A watched pot never boils" is a saying that implies that simply waiting for an event seems to defer its occurrence. However, Peter recommends "awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah." (2 Peter 3:12) How can we develop a mental attitude that keeps us alert to the imminence of divine intervention?