Ruddy nora!! Last night 4am I almost leapt out of my office chair with fright. This ruddy massive bolt of lightning came pounding out the night sky, zooming down my phone line, extracting a whopping great white flashing spark from my computer. Ruddy hell. Had to buy new modem today.
The clap of rumbling rolling thunder was the loudest I heard in 15 years in these here parts, blinkin hec, I thought, this is me going to get struck down dead, - oh well.
Gardening. Hmmmmm. Ruddy flippin hec. Changing subjects, did you know I got kicked out the congregation for swearing too much? Not so much in front of others, just in my own space, a confession I made to the elders, they asked how many times a day and what did I say? I said, 'I don't know, perhaps 18 times an hour, and it's easier if I leave the swear words out that I don't use ... such as 'cun.', and, 'bugger'. There was talk years ago that euphenisms weren't much better neither. I think myself, I've done remarkably well on the curtailing of my tongue, I love euphenisms, friggin = fcuk, flippin, too old, out of date, ruddy = bloody, blinkin, God knows? Hmmmm, what others do I use often? Well, you get the picture.
But I digress.
Gardening. Hmmmmm. Bolt of lightning out the blue. Simplest ideas always are. And I'm a right friggin mulleting muppet for not thinking this through before. It might sound to you, if I mention financial figures, that I'm earning a fair bit of cash, though this so far, comparitively speaking, within our ecomony, is not the case.
Gardening. Hmmmmm. If I work by myself and in the spring / summer months, average 10 hour days at $18.00 per hour or $180.00 per day, ruddy whoopee pop. Then in autumn and winter, it ruddy rains for 4 weeks, consistently, what blinkin' good is that, it is an absurd situation, then there's the sqeulching mud to contend with. Little Toe: Shut itttttttt. Don't get giving that southerner softey claptrap.
The fact is, I'm getting on a bit. The big 4 0 is on the horizon, and along with getting crankier, my bones are aching more. No. If I work 60 hours per week without the administrative side to boot, there can only be a ceiling on my earning capacity which here in this country, is not enough anymore to sustain me. The only thing I can do, is to run the business along the lines of a horticultural, Cornwall based, recruitment agency.
If any others are in business here, would you perhaps mind us putting our heads together for mutual conversations, to discuss, if you would, ways to open up further options and the right thing to do? Is that ok with you?