Thank you WTBTS . , you have been the womb for the developing embryo of our intellect. You see, we had to go beyond you , beyond your chicanery. We had to be disillusioned while in a state of sincere belief. While many of us have suffered because we really were believers, in the end, we have grown. We are no longer vulnerable to "belief systems". We know the importance of "self reliance" and questioning. This forum is growing richer and richer . It is intellectually fertile. It is your loss because you construed yourself as the fountainhead of "Knowledge" and removed yourself from the voice of those who were serving you. Now you listen in , not as a friend , but as a jealous adversary, intolerant of rivalry. People are talking and they don't need you. You could have made provision for them but you were dishonest and you insisted on your "Appointment" as God's mouthpiece. You really do need His help now because you are up against a host of insurgents and they are not ignorant. This forum is a real danger to you.
Disillusionment and Intellectual fertility -- Thank you WTBS
by Siddhashunyata 1 Replies latest watchtower bible
The people who leave the WTBTS tend to be free thinkers and thus help the intellectual fertility of this board - -so yes you are correct -- thanks are due to the WTBTS