The world wide preaching work etc
by fairy 3 Replies latest jw friends
That was an interesting link Fairy.
Easier to follow, and you can find any info re: world wide preaching work etc.
Colossians 1:23,the good news was preached under all creation that is under heaven.This was before 70 AD.and then the end came.
So Matt.24:14,is taking out of context,and it is being applied by the society as future,when Colossians already states that it was already fulfilled back in the first century.
The site you posted is good for information purposes only,as other sects,cults,religions have all had a share in bringing the Bible message to the world.
got my forty homey?
I betcha the guy who made this web site really thinks that he's doing Jehovahs Work by using his programming skills at this colossal waste of time. I could have got the same info by just reading charts and graphs.