It seems that, despite being regarded as sales nuisances by so many, JWs still seem to have the respect of those whose opinion matters the most.
*** yb02 pp. 13-14 Highlights of the Past Year ***
In Quebec, Canada,
the city of Blainville enacted a bylaw stating that people going from door to door for religious purposes must first purchase a permit. The permit authorized door-to-door visits only from Monday to Friday, was valid for just two months, and could not be renewed until 12 months had passed. On April 17, 2001, a superior court judge in Quebec ruled that the bylaw does not apply to the public ministry of Jehovah?s Witnesses. The judge stated that Jehovah?s Witnesses were exempt from obtaining a permit and were not bound by limitations of hours, days, months, or years in their door-to-door religious activities. He referred to the ministry of Jehovah?s Witnesses as "a Christian community service" and found that their publications are "serious literature, dealing with subject matters such as religion, the Bible, drugs, alcoholism, youth education, marital problems and divorce." To compare the Witnesses to peddlers, the judge said, is "insulting, degrading, hurtful, and defamatory."
Hmmm. Any comments?