My JW brother came around to see me, and I drew the comparison that JW "mentality" was similar to that of KKK and Nazi members. Although he didn't really let me explain why I thought that and stormed out. Since I didn't get a chance to discuss the differences between healthy groups and un-healthy groups, I wanted to get your input. Is the mental state of a very-loyal JW similar to those people that join groups such as the KKK or Nazi party. (If there are any elderly people who actually experienced the Nazi's first hand I wouldn't mind some insight.)
KKK, Nazi's, the JW's, and my bad.
by UpAndAtom 6 Replies latest jw friends
Might have been a bit explosive.
Perhaps a "lighter" analogy could be used?
Maybe have a look at this and come up with a simpler less extreme example that might get at least some good questions going. And welcome to the forum!
District Overbeer
Welcome to the forum!
uhmm well, the KKK and Nazi's are violent extremist hate groups IMO, I really dont think JW's would qualify as such. JW's are a cult and pressure members to think alike and follow man made rules, but I would'nt compare them two those two organizations. I could understand why he would have been upset.
A more valid comparison would be to the Hare Krishnas and to a greater extreme, the kool-aid drinking People's Temple folks. Both the KKK and Nazis advocate violence and have killed....the JW's advocate surrender of will to the BORG...
El blanko
Try the link above, it sheds light on potentially abusive groups + tactics.
Not wise to compare any group to the KKK or the Nazi Party ... unless they are those particular groups.
Well, I dunno about calling the KKK and Nazis evil. It seems too much like a media-arranged manipulation, repeated enough times so everyone ends up believing it. It reminds me of those Warner Brothers cartoons with signs nailed to the trees saying "TURN BACK!" "Bad stuff is here" "Go back" "This means you". So most people are lost in the forest and never find out exactly what is being talked about.
Initial coverage of Waco and Ruby Ridge said that dangerous fringe groups "bent on violence" live there, but it turned out to be the FBI line parrotted by the media. REAL violence was committed against them, they were victims. Questions were raised as to whether the FBI set off explosives at Waco themselves to kill off David Koresh's group. At Ruby Ridge, the FBI shot a mother holding a baby IN THE BACK, killing her.
But thanks to the Internet, you can find out for yourself about any group, straight from the horse's mouth, and if you think there is anything evil or destructive about them, objective proof should be obtained. Are White supremacists evil? Go to the White supremacist website like and find out. Are anti-Semites evil and destructive and irrational in thinking anything ill about Jews? Go to and find out.