The Apostate's Creed (By P.E.Field 1997)

by Big Jim 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    The Apostate's Creed:
    I believe in the existence of an eternal creative force that transcends the physical realm to the spiritual; that intelligence to know the universe is the supreme achievement of creation; that creative intelligence is the purpose for existence.

    I believe that the creative force is impersonal but personifiable so that its manifold revelations can be perceived. As the creative force is impersonal, the actions of the universe are neither good nor bad.

    I believe that morality derives from knowing: that intelligent creativity is good and that malice is evil.

    I believe that as beings capable of knowing, mankind needs to acknowledge the worth of the creative force to comprehend its significance. That worship can take whatever form will assist the mind to esteem the mystery in the universe.

    I believe that the forces derived through creative intelligence are manifest in knowlege of truth and beauty and that they are in constant tension with forces of ignorance which are manifested as falsehood and ugliness.

    Copyright 1997 by P. E. Field

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