Just got a call from the film maker in Toronto, Maureen Judge, who did the documentary on Father's Touch/my family for the W Network. The network confirmed the 2nd season begins Monday nights Mar 8 - there are 6 episodes...they are leading with a doc on a trial and ending with ours Monday night, Apr 12. She says they are bookending the series with the strongest episodes! She wanted to know if I would be the person they use for the publicity in terms of story, interviews...I have to go to Toronto soon for a meeting with the publicist. The other thing is that the short film will be shown Feb 5 here in London, Ontario and that week the director and I will be on CBC Ontario Morning radio FM 93.5 (Feb 2 or 4) and on the local tv station, daytime on Rogers.
documentary airs Apr 12 on W Network, Canada
by morrisamb 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Congratulations, way to keep this out there in the public's eyes!
{{ wishing you well in all your efforts on this }}
Make sure Teddy gets a transcript!
Thanks Gretchen and Skally..I've seen a copy of this documentary. It is excellent. I've learned to take control of my destiny - and that includes what projects I take part in as far as the press goes in terms of my family's story!
Morrislamb: do you need a publicist?
I used to do that for years (music mostly), but I do know a couple of good ones here in Toronto.
Let me know, or better still, e-mail me (you have my e-mail), and I can contact someone I know, if you wish, and you two can work it out. She's highly recommended, seriously!
Let me know.
Hi Razorblade, thanks for the great offer but the film maker hired a publicist to promote the series..does that not save me money, or what!
Also my new publisher, LTI Publishing in North Carolina, they'll be promoting the 2nd edition of my book (new cover, etc)
Thanks again for your support!
Big Tex
Fantastic news Donald!
Do you have any idea when we in the U.S. could see the documentary as well? Thanks for keeping everyone up to date on what's going on.
Good questions...the film maker only sold first rights to Canadian tv. I know that certain American shows have expressed interests! I definitely will keep you posted!
Thanks for your support as always Big Tex!