Found this interesting quasi legal religious statement at the bottom of this 》》》 JW.ORG page advertising "Bible-Based Books and Magazines":
Some updates made to digital publications may not yet appear in the printed edition.
Glad to know that jehovah and the governing body have seen fit to inform the entire world that certain doctrinal teachings of "truth" may differ between digital and print edition of the Watchtower magazine and bible-based books.
Doesn't say much for the credibility of the guardians of doctrine.
Confusingly, some of the doctrinal teachings, particularly in the online versions of bible-based books and magazines from the Watchtower, have already undergone updates but these updates only appear in the new digital version of the new printed edition.
Good thing we have a digital-only version of the "Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses" which is updated every year to contain all the references to the new teachings and interpretations of the bible. Unfortunately this digital publication is not updated regularly to coincide with new digital updates of bible-based books that contain new doctrines and teachings.
This of course begs the following questions:
If the digital publication "Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses" refers to a Watchtower publication then is that publication the printed edition or is it the digital edition?
If the digital updates and editions are not available in my language then am I still under the old mosaic law of the Watchtower in the printed edition?