Honey, Have You Seen the Remote?

by GinnyTosken 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • GinnyTosken

    I wonder if this tidbit will appear in "Watching the World"?


    Honey, Have You Seen the Remote?

    By Craig Cox, Utne Readerhttp://www.utne.com/

    A North Carolina surgeon has developed an implant that will trigger orgasms in women, according to New Scientist (Feb. 10, 2001). The device, a signal generator smaller than a pack of cigarettes implanted under the skin of the buttock and connected to electrodes in the spinal cord, could be triggered by remote control, says Dr. Stuart Meloy. Clinical trials will begin later this year.

  • logical


  • SixofNine

    To level the playing field, Logical. Not all women are able to have those spontaneous orgasms. If they will just adapt this item for men, I'll invest heavily in neoprene futures.

  • logical

    Get hold of a remote and have a bit of fun, set them off when the woman is in a very important business meeting or something.

  • Yerusalyim

    Nope, I'm not gonna say it, ahh sheesh, yes I will. It's for those gals who are robots in bed anyhow, they need a remote. (Man the fun I could have with something like that, sneak into the wife's place of work and trigger a few with out her knowing it. Give it about a year and take a remote into the KH during the Public Talk, trigger off all those JW women who get the implant all at once. The Elders will think they have a Pentecostal revival goin on, or a demon possesion.


    Yeru ( of the ANXIOUSLY AWAITING IT class)

    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • LDH

    Are y'all reading the same thing I did?

    smaller than a pack of cigarettes

    Oh I am rolling on the floor---can you see this implant... That is so funny.

    With miniaturization the smallest they can get this puppy is the size of a stinkin deck of cards?


    Waiting for the pea-sized version class.

  • Introspection

    Ah, another incarnation of the orgasmatron.. Incidentally, this type of technology has been used for the brain, some have used it in drug rehab. (it's low amplitude, frequency and waveform specific stim) Of course, I can see it becoming an addiction in itself, (regardless of where you apply the electrodes) it's just too easy if it's at the press of a button..

  • Jang

    ROFLMBU !!!!!!!!

    The mind boggles!!!!

    Seriously though - that this is here thismorning .... we can't find the remotes for our TV and Cable .... the grand daugthers have helped put them in a "safe place" ..... and parents are 'looking' ..... saw this and wondered if they would be more enthusiastic lookign for them if they had more pleasure in store when they found them ........ the mind bogglses

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