A point from the "Worship" book

by Rick Aust 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    Since I'm still an "active" JW, I've being to the book study and we are going threw the "worship" book, (I was getting sick and tired of the 2 Isaiah Books) Anyway.. on the "worship" book p124 p10 it states QUOTE "Those of the great crown are pictured as being marked for survival. (Ezekiel 9:4-6) "The mark" is the evidence that they are dedicated to Jehovah, baptized as disciples of Jesus, and involved in cultivating a Christlike personality." END QUOTE. It seems that they have changed the meaning of Ezekial's mark of survivial, the verse from the KJV bible says QUOTE "..set a mark on the foreheads of the men that sing and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof." END QUOTE

    The mark has nothing to do with Batizism it depends ONLY what is in a persons heart and how much he loves and feels for other people.

    More lies and twisted reasoning from the WTS.

    any comments?

    regards Rick

  • blondie

    Insight volume 1 849 Forehead ***
    As described at Ezekiel 9:3-6, a class of persons are marked in their forehead for protection from destruction by God?s executional forces, not being marked by angels in this instance, nor with a "seal," but by a man who has "a secretary?s inkhorn." Pictured as "sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done," these, when ?marked,? show themselves to be slaves and devotees of Jehovah; their actions, practices, and personalities evidently give evidence of this before all, as if written ?on their foreheads.?

    Proclaimers 165 12 The Great Crowd to Live in Heaven? Or on Earth? ***

    The prophecy says that the ones marked would be "sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done" in the midst of Christendom, or antitypical Jerusalem. (Ezek. 9:4) Surely, then, they could not be deliberately sharing in those detestable things. The first volume of Vindication therefore identified those having the mark as being people who refuse to be part of the church organizations of Christendom and who in some way take their stand on the Lord?s side.

    *** w88 9/15 14 Listen-Jehovah's Watchman Speaks! ***

    The antitypical ?man in linen? is the class of anointed Christians. They go from house to house to put a symbolic mark on those who become part of the "great crowd" of Christ?s "other sheep." The "mark" is the evidence that such sheep are dedicated, baptized individuals with a Christlike personality. They ?sigh and groan over detestable things? done in Christendom, and they have come out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 18:4, 5) Their "mark" will make it plain to God?s executional forces that they should be spared during the "great tribulation." They can retain that "mark" by sharing with the anointed ones in marking yet others. So, if you have been ?marked,? share zealously in the ?marking? work.?Ezekiel 9:8-11.

    *** w87 4/15 11 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***

    These protectively ?marked? ones were sickened because persons claiming to worship the true God had ?filled the land with violence? and had engaged in sexual immorality, idolatry, and all manner of other wrong conduct. (Ezekiel 8:5-18; Jeremiah 7:9) Likewise today, those who would be ?marked? must first learn, through a study of the Bible, to value God?s standards and become grieved at heart, yes, to ?sigh and groan,? over teachings and practices that dishonor him. Perhaps because of ignorance some engaged in wrongdoing or consented to such by giving their support. Yet, now they begin to view such activities as God views them?with disgust! (Romans 1:24-32; Isaiah 2:4; Revelation 18:4; John 15:19)

    This increased appreciation leads to one of the first steps to gain peace with God: repentance. The apostle Peter urged: "Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing [rather than wrath] may come from the person of Jehovah." (Acts 3:19) How refreshing such forgiveness is!

    The symbolic mark is the evidence, as if displayed on your uncovered forehead, (1) that you are a dedicated, baptized disciple of Jesus Christ and (2) that you have put on the Christlike new personality. (Ephesians 4:20-24) Since those thus ?marked? must first make a dedication, we need to know what this involves. Jesus explains: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and follow me continually."?Mark 8:34.

    *** w87 8/15 31 Do You Remember? ***

    What does it mean to be marked for survival by the prophetic man with the secretary?s inkhorn in Ezekiel?s vision? (Ezekiel 9:2-6)

    It means that one has dedicated oneself to God to do his will, has been baptized as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and has put on the Christlike personality.?4/15, pages 11, 12.

    Survival book 96 12 Identified for Destruction or Survival? ***

    Many people are disillusioned with the churches and no longer attend. They may also be greatly disturbed about the violence and dishonesty in the world. But that does not necessarily mean that they are marked for survival. They must be marked by the ?man with the secretary?s inkhorn.? The facts show that "the faithful and discreet slave" class is doing that marking work today.?Matthew 24:45-47.

    All who want to be marked as having God?s approval must accept the instruction that Jehovah is providing through that "slave" class and become true worshipers of Jehovah. They must not be persons who honor Jehovah with their mouths but who really love the world?s ways.
  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Another example of a corkscrew twist applied to scripture by our friends in writing. A straightforward reading of text indicates that the mark is not self-applied as when one presents him/herself for baptism, but is applied by the writer with the inkhorn based on his evaluation of the recipient's worthiness, as masured by his/her compassion for the suffering. Clearly, the agenda is to apply a little pressure to nudge footdraggers into the baptismal pool!

  • heathen

    So I guess that means jehovah is a printing press after all . They constantly insist that the only way to salvation is obedience to the great printing press in brooklyn . This scripture seems to be one they can use to enforce that belief .

  • dustyb

    yep, thats why there is no way to get to a JW unless its thru blasting them w/ love and a strong stick =D

    "speak softly and carry a BIG stick" - Theodore Roosevelt

  • xjw_b12

    Hello Rick. Nice to hear from you. Still a Newbie after 2 1/2 years eh. That's OK, quality over quantity.

    Good topic. I thought the mark was invisible, only to be seen by the angels in heaven, carrying out the judgement. It would appear, that the jws on earth need some form of measuring stick I guess, to determine, who is worthy of survival. Not that they would judge anyone !

    "..set a mark on the foreheads of the men that sing and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof."

    That could apply to just about everbody here, who has left JWism.

    And a question for you Rick. How on earth do you still manage to keep up the facade. It makes me cringe to think what you must be going through. You must be a very strong person, or have a good drug plan.

    xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know "

  • 95stormfront
    And a question for you Rick. How on earth do you still manage to keep up the facade. It makes me cringe to think what you must be going through. You must be a very strong person, or have a good drug plan.

    I was just thinking the same thing. How does he put up with listening to that dribble week after week.

  • BluesBrother

    Thank you Rick.! My wife suddenly admitted to me that the study book did say that only the baptized survive. This has been a bone of contention because she has maintained a more liberal viewpoint and personally believes that each will be judged on merit. She now admits that this is what they teach. I was unable to find the passage, now you have told me..

    In fact we should have known. I recall the study in the "Know Jehovah " book in 1971. My recollection from it was that the mark was the Christian personality , not linked to baptism . But just look at what it really said,


    kj chap. 9 pp. 179-180 Marking Foreheads of Those to Be Spared ***


    Indeed, in 206 lands and island groups around the globe Jehovah?s witnesses are active. Many adherents of non-Christian religions are hearing and taking heed to the good news of God?s kingdom and are forsaking such non-Christian religions in response to Jehovah?s call for those who desire to be his people to get out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. By accepting Christ?s teachings and by dedication and water baptism these also are qualifying to be marked in their foreheads as being true disciples of Jesus Christ.


    They will need this symbolic mark then when Babylon the Great, of which Christendom has been the dominant part, is destroyed in the approaching "great tribulation" so that their lives may be spared by Jehovah?s executional forces. (Revelation 17:1 to 19:2) Reasonably, if false hypocritical religionists inside Christendom who are not marked in the forehead as true Christians are not to be spared, all unmarked persons outside Christendom will not be spared alive, for they are no more true disciples of Christ than are the religious hypocrites of Christendom."

    So much for what they like to call "Godless worldlings"

  • Blueblades

    SOON,SOON,SOON,there's that carrot word again! Soon to be destroyed,DESTROYED! AT THE GREAT TRIBULATION! By JEHOVAH!

    Good thing that I'm not part of any religious trees that Jehovah is going to destroy.Maybe soon will be when they are putting up the christmas tree,isn't that a religious tree?

    When are they ever going to stop this SOON word,if no man knows the hour how can they say SOON?


  • heathen

    Apparently not soon enough becuase they already need a new printing press , which will cost millions and as we know they can't cover the cost of printing any more so are trying to push for more congregation donations to pay for it . It appears that the only writing on the wall for this world is written in invisible ink .

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