first my sister called me to help her, now my aunt called me and wanted to know why she wont be able to upgrade her fon and that my fon company was mean to her....all the hours sitting at work listening to the lies and rantings of many disturbed people who think the wireless industry is perfect i had to bare the pain of listening to my aunt for an hour...while listening to her i reflected back when at one assembly she spurned me on my attitude toward the org..i gave my reasons why then she told me later that my invite to a get together was no longer any i was unvited because others who are my family didnt feel comfortable with me showing up and threaten my aunt they wouldnt come if i was there...i have right to question what i see is wrong but in a nazi like org any questions are thought of as evil and rights dont mean anything only the rights of our constitution if it applies only to the orgs rights and freedoms only, then the org condems the very gov that protects them to go door to aunt is but another ant in a drone society that has no mind any more....
my aunt called me and she now wants advice..hahahahaha
by the mole 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Winston Smith :>D
wow mole,
i remember your other post. now your aunt wants help as well.
hope you never win the lottery; your family will suddenly want to be best of friends with you
I can't help feel a measure of pity for the mindless ants, although at times it seems equating them to worker ant drones is insulting to those hard working ants