Who helps the most - POMO or PIMO

by Ray Frankz 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    I was recentely talking to my girl who is also awaken about if there were any chance of the org to lose at least its power and authority since I believe to expect a destruction of the org is unreal I came to the conclusion that the best way to help JWs is by means of the PIMOs.

    If we take the own JW logic (the world is bad but we need to live among them in order to bring them to our side) I think that if a good part of the people who left when found TTaTT stayed in they we could have much more awaken people today. When you are out it gets extremely hard to gain the trust of any Jehovah's witness to begin with. Every totalitarian government had to fight rebels among them.

    Im not being numb to the causes of anyone who decided to leave. In fact I recognize the personal benefits are totally valid. What I'm saying is that maybe this - leaving - is what is making the org able to remain powerful. Let's be sincere, we are not Ray Franz. A resignation or a speech of protest from us is like throwing a rock in a lake, it makes small waves and quickly fades. I really believe we should think of this alternative strategy.

    What do you think? Is the possibility of bringing the org down be enough to keep you associated?

  • Simon

    PIMO doesn't really help. You could have the entire org be full of PIMO people and it would still exist and function.

    People should walk away and stop wasting so much of their life going through the motions. Doing so then helps create more impetus and momentum for others to leave too.

    (although I understand why some may chose not to)

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  • Incognito
    we are not Ray Franz

    Ray Franz unlike any R&F JW past or present, probably had the greatest potential to affect positive change within the Org. Not only was he a member of the GB, his uncle was President and the source of most JW doctrine so Ray may have had some influence which other GB members may not have had. When Ray pointed out alternate (and proper) biblical interpretations contrary to WT practices, the remaining GB including his uncle, found ways to eliminate him not only from his position on the GB but from the entire organization.

    A person that considers themselves PIMO, is usually not speaking out as Ray did, but simply going along to keep family peace and harmony even as he/she may not be at peace or happy within themselves.

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  • Xanthippe

    Totally depends on the type of family you have. If it is a loving, close family you might have a chance of getting them out by remaining PIMO for a while and taking it slowly. Some families are mentally healthy apart from the kids being raised in a cult, so as they become adults you might get them out. Just don't try for too long.

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  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz
    PIMO doesn't really help. You could have the entire org be full of PIMO people and it would still exist and function.

    I understand your point but I disagree. If like 50% were PIMO imagine the money that the org would not put the hands on and imagine how much less hours of field service would be wasted and boasted about. Imagine the decline on the number of elders and pioneers. And, the most important, these people wouldn't be hampered to talk to their PIMI friends and explain why they are "not so excited with the kingdom things" and all...

    In the long term, the org would be forced or to change or to become a placebo.

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz
    A person that considers themselves PIMO, is usually not speaking out as Ray did, but simply going along to keep family peace and harmony even as he/she may not be at peace or happy within themselves.

    From what I gather, Ray was indeed a PIMO for some years prior to his resignation. It's clear because he did what we all once did or are doing - talk about our concerns with family and close friends. If you heard that he actually defied WT core doctrines before the GB, this is far from true. He was a PIMO, trying to set up all the mess that was on his mind about the things he was discovering. All he wanted was peace. Indeed, he didn't "stand for the truth" and DA himself as many imagine is the only way to act on this issue. He tried to stay living his own life but the GB, the local elders, in a satanic show of cruelty, hunted him and forced him to quit.

    Of course, after being out, he spoke all he thought should be heard.

  • scratchme1010
    Im not being numb to the causes of anyone who decided to leave. In fact I recognize the personal benefits are totally valid. What I'm saying is that maybe this - leaving - is what is making the org able to remain powerful. Let's be sincere, we are not Ray Franz. A resignation or a speech of protest from us is like throwing a rock in a lake, it makes small waves and quickly fades. I really believe we should think of this alternative strategy.

    I find your post interesting.

    I also think that the part that you posted here might be the key. Whoever signs up to help other JWs becoming PIMO or POMO, can create any kind of strategy. They have to have commitment to do so. In that respect, being PIMO or POMO might not matter. As long as they come up with a good strategy, they can be helpful.

    I know people who perform interventions to help people in cults and family members who lost loved ones to cults, and one of the things that they do before taking any action is inquiring what will replace the cult. What made people join the JWs, whatever need that is, has to be satisfied somewhere else, otherwise, there might not be possible to have people leave.

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  • no-zombie

    While I understand Simon's view, I believe the opposite is true, in that every PIMO witness who does not financially contribute to the congregation or Organization but who still consumes resources (of one kind or another) accelerates the death spiral of the Faith. Times that by 8 million and the Society would broke for real in a few months.

    Thats why I do think that things are going bad for the GB because the falling numbers of paying witness in 1st world countries vs the growing number of 2nd and 3rd world consumer witnesses.

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  • pepperheart

    If all the PIMO people trashed a teaching book a week thet would be a total of many !000 of books a week

  • LongHairGal


    I think it’s insanity for anybody to be Physically In Mentally Out of the JW religion forever...When I became PIMO, I knew my days in the religion were numbered.

    I cannot imagine anybody staying in the religion once they know unless they are being held hostage by family and/or are financially dependent on somebody.

    I don’t really see how anybody PIMO can really ‘help’ anybody in the religion see anything. If anything, their presence there makes other JWs think they believe it, IMO.

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