
by Vivamus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    Oh sweet lord, save me from this insanity.

    *still shaking*

    I get so bloody sick of this frigging nightmares.

    My god.

    I went to bed about 1.5 hours ago, and about five minutes ago I wrestled myself back to being awake, wanting to escape yet an other horror filled with demons and dead people who want to do me harm. Om something similar stupid.

    Well at least my ordeal didn't last for more than one hour or so ....



    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Elsewhere


    (((((( Viv ))))))

  • Robdar

    *Hugs Viv*

    I am glad to know that I am not the only one who dreams of demons and flesh eating zombies. Hell, I had a dream the other night where an albino squirrel was chewing on my fingers. It hurt like hell. So I slammed it's head into a tree and its head fell off. It's teeth stuck in my hand though. Sigh.

    I hope you have sweet dreams tonight, Viv.

    Love ya,


  • Sassy

    ahhh man.. ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) to you both! I get nightmares now and then but never about demons.

  • codeblue

    I have had similar dreams...they seem so real....I try to wake myself up when it is about WEIRD....

    Sorry no solution: I think you are just VERY exhausted when you go to bed...and you know they say your subconcious is taking over for a reason.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Watch a "G" rated family musical before going to bed..... not only is it sending your subconscious positive messages, it will also help put you to sleep....

  • Vivamus

    Well, I know one factor that I have to avoid ... it must NOT be a comfortable temperature in my room, or I'll sleep bad. And I neglected that part cuz it's frigging cold here...

    Robyn, yeah, those nightmares suck big time. And zombies should be forbidden ...

    Codeblue, yeah, I know, you know it's a bad dream, you try to wake up, and you can't ... Those are the worst ...

    Double edge .. lemme try that

    Thanx for the hugs dear people

  • Huxley

    I know if I go to bed soon after eating, I can have nightmares. In fact the last one I had involved being naked (and bearded) at the District convention. Yikes! Just a thought.. Huxley

  • darkuncle29

    Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? You could ask the zombies or whatever questions. "Who are you?" "What are you?" "What do you mean?" Or you can blow them up. Incinerate them with energy. Push them into another dimension. This is YOUR dream after all.

    You may want to figure out what is feeding your imagination these sort of subject materials. If you are whatching 28 Days or similiar before bed, then that is likely it. Or your imagination could be feeding you unresolved emotional conflict with friends or family.

    I used to keep a dream journal. When I did that, my frequency of recalled dreams went up. After just a few weeks I could not keep up with writing them all out. So now I just write the interesting ones. I have had moments in dreams that were very healing.

    I have also noticed that certain pain killers give me strange, even unpleasant dreams.

    Sweet dreams.

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