If it wasn't so sad it'd be laughable. Here we are this community of ex jw's around the earth trying to make sense of an organisation which we were brought up in, but unknown to us at the time completely, was changing its light on so many different issues. They the JW's perceive this as really cool - ahhh new light, smug smiles. Ummmmm - The absolute absurdity I see now.
Here we are trying to make head or tail of it all having come from such a rigid belief that everything they were telling us was right, unless you were a rather questioning smart ass like me, who always perhaps like you had her / his doubts.
Why did my mind ask 'why?' so much? Perhaps because early on it knew that what I was being taught was basically a lot of codswallop.
If the borg has taught me one thing, it has given me the ability to see through the bull and it doesn't just exist within that culture.
All I can proffer, is to find that which gives you a sense of direction, wellness and wholeness within. On the outside then, you will reflect this knowing, to others, and infectiously theres a great deal of assistance, and windows of opportunity opening up, for many, upon, a positive and upbeat path.
What do you excel at as a person, what are your interests? What are you more naturally adept at? Find yourselves through those activities that give you and others that little extra happiness and build upon that as a foundation to further life enhancement changes.
Keep your chins up and remain focussed