I contend that the WTS is it's own god. It is Jehovah! And it tests the loyalty of its worshiper all the time. Forget what it claims, think of what it requires.
Total obedience, you must believe all its teaching. And when these teachings change you must except the change...without question!
You must put your trust in them. They are your salvation. No one gets saved unless they are in subjection to the WTS!
You must forsake all others before them. Even children are not above being sacrificed before them on the alter of loyalty! You must be faithful to them even when, ( and notice I did not say if) they prove unfaithful to you.
They are a vengeful lord, and are eager to cast out any opposers!
Guilt, lies, and false hope are their tools! And they are a jealous god. How dare you buy anything for yourself when you could give them your time and money!
And they are a weak and cowardly god! They are not above slander and gossip to harm any who dare expose them.
Care to expose any more traits of this "paper god"? Maverick