Follow up on our Baptism Nullification letter

by joe_from_kokomo 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe_from_kokomo

    Dear Friends:

    Some of you have PM'd me while I was away from this site, wanting to know how everything worked out after sending in our Baptism Nullification letters to the local KH and the Society. (Search on Baptism Nullification to find these postings if you want the details, even a sample of the letter we used).

    Well, in a word: GREAT. While it is clear that the members of our old congregation do not wish to associate with us, that some kind of marking took place, we are not disfellowshipped or disassociated. We still have free association with our relatives in "the truth".

    Now, I have to be honest, here. Our relatives in the "truth" DO speak to us, and do not treat us as dead people, but it would be an exaggeration to say they come by frequently or call frequently. They don't.

    But, that's better than them not being able to speak to us at all. It is at least a tolerable situation for both them and us. If we want to, we can call them or write them, but we don't do that often either, really, for fear of making them or ourselves uncomfortable.

    We bump into people from other nearby congregations and they seem totally unaware, even after 9 months of French leave, that we are not JWs anymore. So, those folks still speak to us freely. The ones from our local congregation, where I served as a prominent upstanding brother in the lead, do not speak to us unless spoken to first and in front of other people in public places. Yes, to them we have become the Invisible Man and the Invisible Woman. But, again, this is the price of Freedom.

    Also, the phone calls stopped (thank God for caller ID), and no more visits at the door. If we get one, I will wave my new UN NGO letter at them (see other post today) as proof of the hypocrisy that drove us to leave.

    Would I recommend this BN resignation letter method to others? YES. DEFINITELY. And I owe a big THANK YOU to Maverick for his posting that inspired our own plagiarized version of his original BN Letter. The WTS has decided to leave us be, and we couldn't be happier about that!

    We love having Monday evenings, Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings and ALL DAY Sunday to sleep in and work on whatever suits our fancy. It is so wonderful. Now, don't think me a pagan-slug-couch-potato-heathen, folks. I devote a good deal of time to volunteer work that benefits many other people. But, we have not been to the KH since the Memorial, and we will never go back again. Never. Ever.

    We do miss our old "fair weather friends". We don't blame them for steering clear of us. But, we do miss them. It's too bad our relationships ultimately depended upon the constant approval of a group run by Brooklyn hypocrites. But, I guess we should have known that all along. We shouldn't have been so naive.

    And our shoe leather is lasting longer, and we aren't wearing out our vehicles and tires anymore. Haven't worn a suit since the last funeral I went to, and stopped wearing ties altogether. Even grew a beard. Loosing weight from not sitting on my ass in meetings all the time.

    Best of all, I don't ever have to read another chapter in that damnable Isaiah book!

    Life is good. Life without the Watchtower that is.

    Take care all.

  • Gopher

    Way to go, Joe! You escaped without getting the scarlet "D" on your foreheads.

    The "baptism nullification" makes perfect logical sense, since they often say that those who leave "were never real JW's anyway". Baptism nullification seems to say the very same thing -- you really never JW's! Great idea.

    It won't work with every body of elders, but in your case the elders backed down and that's just great.

    And now you're "wasting" your lives volunteering for others and generally being productive, you evil associates of Satan, you!! Way to go.

  • Atilla

    I'm surpised that it did work. I told my parents that I was going to write one and they freaked out saying that it would be on thier conscience if they continued to associate with me. They practically begged me not to write one. That was over a month ago, and they do seem a little more distant now. I'm still debating on wether to write one or not. I called bethel twice to verify if they would acknowledge the letter but on both times they said that nullification was impossible. I told them that I was baptized before my 18th birthday thus meaning I can't be tied to a binding contract. Their reply was that they follow the Bible and according to "thier interruptation" I can enter into a contract with God before I turn 18. It's all circular reasoning to them. I imagine they don't leave the same guy on the help line at Brooklyn for too long, less he start to question himself.

  • Gopher

    Atilla said --

    Their reply was that they follow the Bible and according to "thier interruptation" I can enter into a contract with God before I turn 18.

    I say -- where is God's signature on the contract?? It seems like a unilateral contract to me, which emphasizes the unreasonableness of being held to something you thought was right as a child.

    But really the contract is with the publishing company. You and I were signed on as "child labor". And it's all "legal" when under the guise of a religion. And (as Farkel always said) it's Bible-based (tm).

  • fearnotruth22

    Where is the BN Format Letter to take a peek. It seems to me that a lot people got baptised, to say the least "lot" because of tactics and pressure and fear and wanting to belong etc and even though they belived that they got baotized making a free choice, just as a jw refuseding a blood transfusion does so believing that he is doing so voluntarily, so too prspective jws taking the plunge do so because they are pressure to do so and get intto a box all of their lives without ever realizing what going on that is until IT HITS HOME, or as I did, when I saw evidence that I could not refute but had to accept because it is irefutable. The evidence stands. It is incumbent on the WT to defend itself and dispute the evidence. Since the wts stays silent. The evidence wins in default. I would still be in the truth today had I not examined the evidence presented by the apostates, but actually I did not get any info from apostates I got it from jws who are not brain dead to whats going on. Hence I am on this board examining things objectively, otheriwise I would aleays belive that the wts is God's org with blind faith in it.Im not stating that it isnt but evidently it is debateable,

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Baptism Nullification- will it work for you?

    Try the above link

    Good for you Joe

  • Sassy

    Congrats.. Happy for you..

    envious as well..

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Wow, what an interesting concept.

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