Let be strait it's mostly all propaganda

by Crazyguy 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    There was a video at the convention about Hezzekia and the angel killing 185,000. This is just one example of how the bible is mostly stories and propaganda.

    There is absolutely no evidence this event ever happened. First the idea that the Assyrians had 185000 troops is preposterous. 2 the Assyrians had lots of enemies and if they had lost 185k men thier empire would have fallen and the king would have been killed. Instead the empire was passed on to his son. 3 writings found in Nineveh state that Hezzekia capitulated gave up riches even his daughters in order to keep from loosing his city Jerusalem. The writings in the bible were nothing more the propaganda to show how the God of the Jews saved them from destruction by the Assyrians and to deflect attention from the facts that the Kings had to capitulate.

  • prologos
    Cg: "--The writings in the bible were nothing more the propaganda to show how the God of the Jews saved them from destruction ---,

    and god would would punish them, if they did not pay their tithe, and fully fund the ruling classes. a kind of protection racket.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    What do Angles look like?? Their face shines with divine glory, but their wings are

    tipped with blood.

  • Finkelstein

    the bible is mostly stories and propaganda.

    The ancients bullshitted with the intent of building up power and relevance toward their gods ie. Hebrews , Babylonians Egyptians etc.

    Now days religoius leaders and organizations bullshit and lie to create power and relevance toward themselves ie. the WTS/JWS.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Question: What religious organization are emulating the God in the OT??

    ISS is top of the list and JW's are in the top 10......God will be so proud...

  • Crazyguy

    James is there a scripture that's says angels wing are tipped with blood?

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Crazyguy:No, but I'm sure there would be blood on the wings of those that killed 185000

    if the story was true.


    Let be strait it's mostly all propaganda

    Let be strait it's "ALL" propaganda..

  • stuckinarut2

    No! Come on people...It is ALL true, because the bible says it was all true...so it must be true...right?

    Circular reasoning at its best.....

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