I'd like to get the complete text of page 179, where it used to say that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would be resurrected, but in the 1989 edition, they changed their minds and said that these people would not be. If possible, I'd like to see the paragraph before the change, the paragraph after, and all the text that is different. I've found this much on the internet:
You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, 1982, First ed., p. 179, paragraph 9
By saying this, Jesus showed that at least some of the unrighteous people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah will be present on earth during Judgment Day. Although they had been very immoral, we can expect that some of them will be resurrected. (Genesis 19:1-26)
You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, 1989 ed., p. 179, paragraph 9
It will truly be a grand privilege to be resurrected on earth during Jehovah's great Judgment Day. However, the Bible indicates that it will be a privilege that not all will enjoy. Consider, for example, the people of ancient Sodom. The Bible says that the men of Sodom sought to have sexual relations with 'the men' who were visiting Lot. Their immoral behavior was so extreme that even when they were miraculously struck with blindness, 'they were wearing themselves out trying to find the entrance' of the house to get inside to have intercourse with Lot's visitors (Gen. 19:4-11). Will such terribly wicked persons be resurrected during Judgment Day? The Scriptures indicate that apparently they will not. Yes, for their excessive immorality the people of Sodom and of the surrounding cities suffered a destruction from which they will apparently never be resurrected. -- 2 Peter 2:4-6, 9, 10a.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Robert V Frazier