Visited the governing body.

by Freddy Krueger 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Hi everyone. New to the site. Like what I've been seeing here. I' ve been around for awhile. This is actually a response I gave to blueblades on his post. One blade to another if you know what I mean. Anyway I wanted to reprint it here, for your commenting pleasure. Basically we know the governing body knows so much about..... nothing! Anyway here was my visit as they clarified everything in a dream. I got the scoop right from their brain:

    "Everything is very soon and just around the corner and the second door on the left. However, to get the truth of what's behind the door, you have to re-read the watchtower ten times. Now answer all the questions. You must use a yellow hi-liter and not one of those pansy pink ones. Also, comment only from other publications from the society..."

    "The Society" was actually the name of a horror movie, what a coincidence.. ok back to the dream.

    "...or with answers we already supplied you with in the magazine. We are brilliant! Our questions and then our answeres from your lips! What a great way to re-iterate our absolute understanding of nothing! Now cross reference the date found on page 27 of the 1978 watchtower bound volume. No, not your copy, the one locked down in the headquarters in Brooklyn. Now when you look up the word of Franz... I mean the Word of God... heh.. heh.. heh.. the word of God.... It will all be clear now. Just follow the yellow brick road.. oh forget it... Just give me your donation and look at this newest issue of the watchtower right here, it explains everything so clearly.

    You should now see it is just around the corn... um I said that already.. I mean just outside the door, like us... knock knock."

    Wow, what a nightmare. And I thought I had issues.

    "This is God!"
  • Blueblades

    Hi Freddy! Glad to know that your not "THE FREDDY"who actually did invaded the bedrooms of the rank and file and haunted all of us as to what kind of sexual conduct was permitted in the bedroom between a man and his wife.You know who I'm talking about freddy franz former president of the wt.society who is dead now.

    Welcome to the board.Feel free to keep on posting here and teel us a little about yourself when you feel up to it.

    Blueblades, ( I see you got some blades of your own )

  • DevonMcBride

    Welcome Freddy.


  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Thanks for the welcome Devon and Blueblades. Look forward to reading and commenting with everyone.


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