Worship should not EVER be this way

by nowawake14 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowawake14

    Who has time to study all these books?

    Who has time to stick to an endless routine?

    And who the hell has time to be paranoid about apocalypse when you could just go off and have a drink while laying in the sun?

    What pisses me off is that worship should not make you lose your mind

  • Giordano
    What pisses me off is that worship should not make you lose your mind

    Here's why that happens: "Silence is God's only language....... everything else is a misrepresentation of that silence."

    Understand this and your done with any formal religion.

    Just do some good, don't abuse innocent people, value family and friends and be honest and decent. That's a workable religion.

  • WTWizard

    What about religion that actually goes along with science, and encourages genuine scientific progress (even if it goes against the Agenda to stifle humans)? Science is supposed to be fun, not drudgery--if it is drudgery, it is because it has the same communist lies embedded in it (that have to go) that Christi-SCAM-ity has. And I noticed that studying the LIE-ble is one of the most tedious pieces of trash I have ever read.

    Advance genuine science, you advance true spirituality. I noticed that more (before everyone around me tried forcing that xian trash, and its twin communism, down my throat in every way--and later, jokehovianism). More science, more truth. I could have gone to a genuine science session and come back better off spiritually than my parents after going to a weekend church session or after coming back from a Grand Boasting Session.

  • smiddy3

    I have come to believe that the more you learn about Astronomy and all of the other sciences that it unleashes is the best Spirituality one could ever imagine and it is always ongoing .

    The Universe is and will yet tell us more about spirituality than any Holy Book , Guru or self proclaimed men chosen of God.

    When ALL of man made religions are done away with , only then will humans be able to reach their full potential .

    Sadly it`s not going to happen any day soon.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Who is it who says humans should worship anything? Only the leaders of religions!

    To worship is to give up self reliance, the very thing which makes us individuals and lead useful fulfilling lives.

  • Vidiot
    nowawake14 - "Who has time to study all these books? Who has time to stick to an endless routine? And who the hell has time to be paranoid about apocalypse when you could just go off and have a drink while laying in the sun? What pisses me off is that worship should not make you lose your mind."


    Religion's supposed to make you feel better.

    Not worse.

    EDIT: I strongly suspect that the WTS places such high requirements on its membership specifically to prevent said membership from having the time or energy to figure out that they're wrong.

  • Vidiot
    Giordano - "Just do some good, don't abuse innocent people, value family and friends and be honest and decent. That's a workable religion."

    But... but... that's nothing special...

    Anybody can do that.

  • iwantoutnow

    smiddy3 - AHMEN!

  • LongHairGal


    I always thought it was ridiculous how the Witness religion expected people to regularly study and read all their literature - like as though they had nothing else to do.

    It just showed to me that JWs are not in reality that people have to work and take care of other issues and obligations..In my early days of studying, I mentioned this to the person I was studying with.. To which she replied: “oh well, it will keep you out of trouble”!

    So, I can certainly believe that all these ridiculous reading assignments (besides having a brainwashing effect) are to keep JWs ‘busy’ maybe so that they’ll never have time to read or investigate anything else..In short: it is another control tactic.

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