What about religion that actually goes along with science, and encourages genuine scientific progress (even if it goes against the Agenda to stifle humans)? Science is supposed to be fun, not drudgery--if it is drudgery, it is because it has the same communist lies embedded in it (that have to go) that Christi-SCAM-ity has. And I noticed that studying the LIE-ble is one of the most tedious pieces of trash I have ever read.
Advance genuine science, you advance true spirituality. I noticed that more (before everyone around me tried forcing that xian trash, and its twin communism, down my throat in every way--and later, jokehovianism). More science, more truth. I could have gone to a genuine science session and come back better off spiritually than my parents after going to a weekend church session or after coming back from a Grand Boasting Session.