Jesus taught that the Romans should be loved and not hated.Therefore some of his zealot mates decided to get rid of him.Some of theZealots were rounded up and condemned to death by Crucifixion, some guys high contrived for Jesus to be exchanged for Barabbas.They gave Pilate evidence that JC was part of the zealot movement and was a would be king.Jesus was on the cross he was offered poison to drink to end it all, but refuses.By 3pm the pain is unbearable and he takes the wine laced with poison and looses consciousness...but he aint dead.John says that Blood came from a wound in his side:CLUE: a dead body dont bleed.The Jews tell Pilate that its contrary to Law to have the bodies hung out overnight.So pilate agrees to change the excution to being buried alive.All 3 guys are put into a cave.It was thought that Jesus was dead, but the others were alive and to prevent their escape their legs are broken (?).But Jesus mates realise he aint dead and they put 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes in his grave expell the poison from his body.One of the Zealots sitting in the cave with him, pours the juice into his mouth...he recovers.
Mary Magdalene comes to the cave ans sees that the men had managed to roll back the big rock blocking the cave a little.Mary goes and gets help, and Jesus later apears before some of his supporters then goes into a monastic life but still guides the others at times.
So......Angela Lansberry, eat your heart out!