We all know that the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses) say the reason for disfellowshipping is to protect the congregation from some uncleanness or threat.So they "quarantine" (shun) those they perceive can spread information that does not agree fully with their teachings/doctrines.It's almost like they want to liken it to a real disease by calling opposers "mentally diseased", "threat" etc.
Will the current state of affairs in the world regarding this pandemic strengthen their cause/argument in favor of isolating within their ranks? I can visualize them in the near future even having parts at the Hall or assemblies pointing back to this pandemic and saying something along the lines of "brothers what do you think would happen if we would not have quarantined and stayed away from any that were infected? If just one person was released back into the populace it could potentially infect others all over again."
What are your thoughts? Do you think they will try and use this to draw crazy comparisons or take the high road and not even make the attempt?
How do you think this covid-19/corona virus pandemic will affect the way J.W.'s view shunning?
by StoneWall 9 Replies latest jw friends
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I'm not sure why on this site some of my post get treated as links and put in blue text...
When you end a sentence with a period put a space after it before starting the next sentence. In this case you wrote 'threat dot so' and 'doctrines dot it' with no space after the dot, so they became web links, even if they lead nowhere.
When you are infected with a virus, the effects can range from nothing to you die. You could get infected without even getting sick, and then infect someone that is vulnerable and they die. It seems to be that most people that get the virus don't even get sick (I guess this from the numbers of cases while they are leveling off--if most people got sick, I would expect a country like Germany to see closer to 10 million cases instead of 100,000 at peak). This shows what an even somewhat healthy immune system can do to this virus.
When you get infected with the truth, you get relief from the lie. This can so easily spread because the truth actually makes sense. Once something actually makes sense, you are not going to revert to the lie except under force. Besides this, how many people became "infected" with the truth due to the lie itself? That would be as stupid as having people catching coronavirus simply due to being kept isolated from it or due only to being cut off from it. How often does that happen? Then why did we not have coronavirus cases prior to late 2019? We did, however, have the first case of the Truth long before anyone had the "infection".
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It will have no effect longterm, or shorttem come to that.. Yes it's likely some assemblyspeaker may use it as an illustration, so what?
The system of d/f ing and shunning is in place and will remain.
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I think there are some genuine kind souls in that cult that might sit back and think how disfellowshipped ones must feel with no contact of family or friends. The internet is still not the same as close contact with family or friends.
But then there are those like the neighbors down the road who are jws and they are still having their ten car group gatherings at their home every Friday night where they hunt and play cards and drink. This pandemic hasn't affected them what so ever.