Cognitive Dissonance meme

by neat blue dog 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    I find this kind of amusing:

    A JW social media account recently posted a meme about cognitive dissonance seen here.

    And then all the JWs in the comment section predictably apply it to those in Christendom.

  • scratchme1010
    And then all the JWs in the comment section predictably apply it to those in Christendom.

    Is that a bad thing? It applies to everything that it applies to. BTW, that's not a meme.

  • Vidiot

    The irony! It burns!!!

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    It applies to everything that it applies to.

    Obviously, but this is the pot calling the kettle black.

    BTW, that's not a meme.

    A meme is anything, usually media of some type, that is passed around in pop culture. Only in recent years has it come to be viewed as a screen shot of a movie, etc. accompanied by an out of context but relatable quip, often using the "Genuine" font. But the definition is larger than that.

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