if all of you remember when my cousin and i stood alone to fight the stupidity of my family's thinking it now came to an end.. he told me yesterday that his wife wants to reconcile their marriage and she is getting baptised in feb..her family pressured her to do this he said, but now that he decided to reconcile he started attending the meetings last week. he also stated that he was so bitter that he wasnt invited to his sister wedding that he would get reinstated so it will never happen again.. his exact words were, " i hate the stigma that was placed on me. i cant enjoy my family or do anything even with my wife.".....we had talked for over an hour and i made my case clear that i will never go back..the last thing he said was that i will call you sometime.......* the power we hand over and release to these men is what will always control us..no god or christ but men..once we submit to their control the grip they exert is very tight..i am lucky that i have no one to hold me back and suppress my mind.. my father has realized the bankrupt thinking the org placed upon men and my mother knows the heavy yoke she was forced to carry for years and agrees with me not to have my children also drown in ignorance..if we succomb to foolish thinking and hand over our free will then we invite a totality of suppression..they cannot come into your home and take it they make you believe that you must give it and once you relinquish this self willed power than all you have is mindless faith...a faith of death and destruction to mankind and a hope that you may survive it..***but what kind of faith should we really have? It should be one of hope that mankind gets better when god comes, not pray to have family, unbelievers, and those who made innocent human errors to die in armageddon..misdirected faith is harmful and i see my cousin trapped once again is something he has doubts in...the org and its false prophets has made a single victory but hopefully the poisen in his heart will infect them even more than i...the mole
he couldnt cope with the pressure
by the mole 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am sorry your cousin has decided to give in to this pressure.
I guess all you can do is hope for the best for him. It is his choice and there is nothing you can really do to stop this from happening.
Stay strong!!!
Well, think of it this way...he might have given in and gone back, but not in his heart. Once he comes to realize this, he will be re-thinking his decision. He must be true to himself in order to live his life openly and freely and with peace.
There is always a price to pay...
he was so bitter that he wasnt invited to his sister wedding that he would get reinstated so it will never happen again.. his exact words were, " i hate the stigma that was placed on me. i cant enjoy my family or do anything even with my wife."
This is EXACTLY the response hoped for by the Watchtower Society to its disfellowshipping policy. They love the control and pressure exerted on their ex-members.
People go back, not to "serve the Kingdom", but because of the stigma, as the mole's cousin said.
What a loving bunch! They say "let's stigmatize someone so that they can come back and then we'll show LOVE for them, after they grovel and meet our requirements".
The father of the prodigal Son of Jesus Christ's parable, the JW's aren't. They're more like the self-righteous brother.