This letter is an interesting twist!

by morrisamb 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    Interesting email I received yesterday. This woman is the daughter of my first boss -79-81 (a job that I refer to in my book, Father's Touch).

    Hi Donald!

    How are you? I got to your website via the classmates website. I remember
    that I think you used to work for my father many years ago. I was in the
    same grade as your sister Marina. I remember that I used to sit beside her
    in home room in grade 10 or 11. I used to look at her every day and think,
    "something is wrong there"... of course I never had any idea. How is she
    now? I am very sorry for anything that you and your siblings endured and
    if there was something that any of us should have known and
    overlooked. Any way that we could have helped. I am one of Jehovah's
    Witnesses myself now, having come to learn the faith as an adult. I'm
    sorry that your father used it to victimize you. I also caught the tail
    end of a review of your book on TV recently. Unfortunately, it was pretty
    much over before I caught on and started to pay attention.

    Take care and be well.

  • Valis

    Hi Donald! Always a pleasure to see your posts. Maybe this one will take your story to heart and help people in her congo....BTW how's the play and so forth going?


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Any way that we could have helped. I am one of Jehovah's
    Witnesses myself now, having come to learn the faith as an adult.

    Wow, what are the odds?

    She sounds sincere. It's interesting that she would remember you and your sister after all this time. Do you plan on responding?

    Thanks for the update.

  • morrisamb

    Thanks Valis and Big Tex...I wrote her back and thanked her for her comments. I remember that her mother (my boss's wife) took magazines for years from a Witness at our congregation, so I'm not entirely surprised that the daughter would become a Witness- I can assure you her father must be pissed!

    PS. the play will be written over the next couple of months for a workshop in May/June then fall production.

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