This is not a specific example, but In the Awake Magazine, Watchtower quoted Psychology Today showing that "isolation is a killer". Of course the Watchtower practices of DF'ing and DA'ing takes away peoples' entire lives by putting them in a state of deep isolation. The quote shows the horrible effects of isolation, including suicide.
(Awake 5-22-1983 p15)
And the consequences? “I know of no more potent killer than isolation. . . . It has been shown to be a central agent in the etiology [starting cause] of depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, rape, suicide, mass murder, and a wide variety of disease states.”—Psychology Today, August 1980.
Despite being fully aware of the negative effects of isolation,
Watchtower continues with practices that isolate people, calling it, in
so many words, 'God's loving way.'
Related to isolating people is giving them the "silent treatment," something the Awake Magazine also condemned.
(No quote box below, it wouldn't work for some reason.)
(Start quote) Awake 6-2013, p4, par3)
it is used as a means to retaliate or manipulate, the silent treatment
not only prolongs conflict but also erodes [...] respect" (End quote)
silent treatment between spouses is directly condemned by the Awake article as
unloving, unproductive, retaliatory and manipulative. Just because you
might not be married to someone doesn't make this behavior any better or
somehow loving all of a sudden. In fact participating in the systematic
and indefinite "silent treatment" of shunning is far worse than giving a
spouse the silent treatment for a few days.