by orangefatcat 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Today in a fast paced world do you ever stop to consider how many indiviuals may suffer from some sort of mental illness. I was mentioning it in another post to day and it made me stop and think, just how many people have mental illness and may not know it .

    I in particular I am addressing the side of mental illness known as "Compulsive Obsessive Disorder.

    So I decided to do some surfing and ended up in this site and for those who feel they are suffering or know of some one who is please read this,

    Understanding OCD

    However, for some Americans these feelings become so strong at some point in their lives that they almost take over. These people may have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD.

    Many people may check to make sure the stove is off before going away on vacation. But for a person with OCD, it can take hours to get out of the house, because he or she must check the stove hundreds of times.

    Most people like to have their things somewhat neat and tidy. But, a person with OCD may not be able to stop thinking about tidiness ? to the point where it may take hours to make sure objects are in order.

    While many people wash their hands before a meal, a person with OCD may not be able to stop thinking about germs and will wash his or her hands over and over again, until they are chapped or even bleeding.
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    OCD is a medical condition that causes a person to have the same disturbing thoughts, ideas, or impulses over and over again. These are known as obsessions.

    In order to fight the obsessions, a person with OCD may do certain things over and over again to relieve the anxiety and worry that result from the obsessions. These repeated actions are called compulsions. Compulsions can also be mental acts such as counting or repeating words silently.

    OCD causes a lot of distress for people who have it, and obsessions and compulsions take up a great deal of time. Most people with OCD find their thoughts and actions to be excessive and senseless, but they cannot control them.
    Some common symptoms of OCD include: Obsessions
    Thoughts about contamination, or germs
    Doubts about safety, doing harm, or being harmed
    A need for order, to have things "just right"
    Fear of making mistakes
    Fear of behaving in a socially unacceptable manner
    Repeated actions, such as hand-washing
    Checking and rechecking that something has been done
    Arranging objects over and over
    Hoarding objects and feeling unable to throw them away
    If you think you or someone you know may suffer from OCD, take the simple Self-Quiz on this site. Your answers to the Self-Quiz can help your doctor or other healthcare professional to learn if you may have symptoms of OCD. Only a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional can make a diagnosis of OCD.
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    The exact cause of OCD is not clear. Research has shown that it may be associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    Someone who has a blood relative with OCD is more likely to develop OCD than someone who hasn't. However, not everyone who has a relative with OCD will develop it.
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    Treatment Options OCD can be treated with medicine alone, behavior therapy, or a combination.

    Medicines, including ones called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have been proven effective in treating OCD. SSRIs make serotonin (a brain chemical) more available where it is needed. This effect may help correct the chemical imbalance that may have led to OCD.

    In addition, experts recognize behavior therapy as an important, effective treatment for OCD. In behavior therapy, the therapist uses different methods to help patients feel less worried about their obsessions and to spend less time on rituals or obsessive thoughts. See a Doctor for Help If you think you or someone you care about may be suffering from OCD, it's important to talk to a doctor. OCD is a medical condition that responds well to treatment, so a good person to talk to is a doctor, especially one who already knows a lot about your or your loved one's history and health. Together, you can determine if OCD is involved and decide on appropriate next steps.
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    Although the person with OCD receives treatment, family members and friends can help, too. After all, OCD can also affect the whole family, as well as close friends. This is because the symptoms of OCD can affect the basic way relationships work.

    Family members and friends can help by:
    Learning as much as possible about OCD
    Finding out about community resources for treatment and support
    Encouraging the patient to stay on his or her prescribed medication and/or therapy
    Participating actively in behavior therapy if recommended by the patient's therapist
    It can be easier for the person with OCD to understand and follow his or her treatment program when family members and friends understand it, too.
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    Yes, getting better can be hard work. But there are many things you can do that will help. Talking to your doctor is very important. Learn all you can about OCD and its treatment. And share information about your condition with family and friends to help everyone understand what you are going through. After all, the less time you spend on rituals or compulsions, the more time you will have to enjoy the rest of your life.
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    Home > OCD > Self-Quiz

    If you think you may be suffering from symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), this Self-Quiz can help you discuss your concerns with your doctor. Just print this page, answer the questions to the best of your ability, and take the completed Self-Quiz to an appointment with a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Your answers can help your doctor determine if you may have the symptoms of OCD.
    1.Do thoughts come into your mind that you have trouble getting rid of and that don't make sense?YESNO
    2.Do you believe these thoughts are coming from your own mind, rather than from some outside source?YESNO
    3.Do you wash your hands more than other people?YESNO
    4.Do you have to check things over and over?YESNO
    5.Is there any other behavior you find you cannot resist and/or are doing more often than you think you should?YESNO
    6.Do you have to have things done just so or in a certain order?YESNO
    7.Does thinking these thoughts or performing these repetitious behaviors bother you a lot?YESNO
    8.Do the thoughts and/or the behaviors interfere with your day-to-day functioning?YESNO
    If any of these questions make you think, "that sounds like me," and are interfering with your daily activities, discuss the answers to this Self-Quiz with your doctor or other healthcare professional. Only your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional can make a diagnosis of OCD.
    The information contained on this site is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This Self-Quiz is intended only for the purpose of identifying symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and is not designed to provide a diagnosis or treatment. Only a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional can make a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder or determine a treatment plan.

    So I do hope that this has been helpful for you or one that you love.

    Love OrangefatcatOrange Fat Cat 15 Cool Heart Circle Of Hearts

  • asortafairytale

    My mother has OCD. She is a hoarder. It has gotten quite severe over the last few years, to the point that now, there is only a trail through her apartment. Even her bed has only enough room for her to lay, and the rest is covered in more "stuff"(by stuff I mean, at least a hundred pens and pencils, large boxes of folders, labels, old magazines).

    The last two years, she has been obsessed with containers. Her goal is to organize, and get rid of the majority of things, but so far has only led to hundreds of plastic containers, bins, and bags.

    She doesn't answer the door anymore, and won't let anyone visit her because she is humiliated, and angry with herself. Most people don't understand; they just assume she is a slob. But really, my mother was always a perfectionist, clean freak. I can't imagine how she must feel now.

    She was finally diagnosed with OCD last summer, and has been on meds, but so far, it hasn't really helped. She is working closely with a doctor, so hopefully some treatment will finally click.

    Thanks for sharing!


  • orangefatcat

    Well I ready do and sincerely hope your mom eventually gets better.

    All the best to you and her.

    Love OrangefatcatOrange Fat Cat 15 Cool Heart


    Hi OFC, that was an excellent post.

    The information, is valuable, and quite timely.

    Thank you for bringing that up. Someone, somewhere appreciates it greatly.

  • orangefatcat

    Thank you for taking the time to read the post, I believe it is a topic alot shy away from but in reality they need some information and don't know exactly where to turn. I was more so in tune with the C O D as my mother has had it for eons and the last time I saw her it was still the same. It is sad really. But one must realize that you have to admitt you are having problems before healing can take place.

    Also some people are afraid of what they might find out about themselves and there is no shame in it what- so -ever. We need to know and understand more about Mental Illness in all its facets.

    I would never ever for on minute assume to judge a person if he or she suffered any form of mental illness. I know many persons who are in need of help and yet they would rather sit there and do nothing about it and thats a tragedy in it self. When there are so many who can and offer help.

    I myself have had to battle bi-polar illness. If it had not been for the persitance of my Family Doctor I would be a mess. But thanks to him and his depth of concern and respect for him and for myself preservation I went to see a psychiatrist. It was the best thing I ever did it my life. Because they helped me in ways I thought were impossible. But I have been extremely lucky in getting excellent therapist. Even to this day I visit the psychiatrist, every 8-12 weeks and its not that I need help or I may need help and not realized it. However several years ago I went through 7 straight years of therapy and I am glad I did. It made me understand that some things in M ental Illness can't be helped but controlled through medication. I am so glad that my doctor took the time to help me to realize I have much to gain in life.

    I am all for helping anyone at anytime in their live. Even if it were to talk or just have a good cry or have a visit and go for coffee and just being oneself. Never try to be pretendious as it doesn,t work. I have come to see how important it is to be there for anyone who has wanted assistance and not my judgement.

    I have a passion for life and I love life more than any of you could know, and because of my oneness with the universe or however the terminology. I know I feel in control of my life and calm and peaceful.

    It took a few years to understand that many times our pains are inflicted upon us by our parents or peers, and more so the brain washing techniques of the WatchTower Society are also responsible for people who have come apart at the seams as it were. It has been an instrument of destruction to many a person especially those who have taken their own precious live. I pray God holds them the WTS responsible for the lives of these dear people who's only aim in life was to please God the Organization and the elders and the GB.

    With love, help, and care we are capable of helping a person to get a hold of their live and work at a healing process. If at anytime or crisis in a persons life they should never fear to ask for help because there is so many who really do care.

    All my love


  • stillajwexelder

    now really - do you not think you should approach that wonderfully qualified body of elders for help?

  • orangefatcat

    Jump For Joy Bouncy 8 Bouncy 6 Bouncy 5 3 Card Monty

    Way to go there Stillajwexelder.

    Anything of the Organization!!!!!


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