Thank you for taking the time to read the post, I believe it is a topic alot shy away from but in reality they need some information and don't know exactly where to turn. I was more so in tune with the C O D as my mother has had it for eons and the last time I saw her it was still the same. It is sad really. But one must realize that you have to admitt you are having problems before healing can take place.
Also some people are afraid of what they might find out about themselves and there is no shame in it what- so -ever. We need to know and understand more about Mental Illness in all its facets.
I would never ever for on minute assume to judge a person if he or she suffered any form of mental illness. I know many persons who are in need of help and yet they would rather sit there and do nothing about it and thats a tragedy in it self. When there are so many who can and offer help.
I myself have had to battle bi-polar illness. If it had not been for the persitance of my Family Doctor I would be a mess. But thanks to him and his depth of concern and respect for him and for myself preservation I went to see a psychiatrist. It was the best thing I ever did it my life. Because they helped me in ways I thought were impossible. But I have been extremely lucky in getting excellent therapist. Even to this day I visit the psychiatrist, every 8-12 weeks and its not that I need help or I may need help and not realized it. However several years ago I went through 7 straight years of therapy and I am glad I did. It made me understand that some things in M ental Illness can't be helped but controlled through medication. I am so glad that my doctor took the time to help me to realize I have much to gain in life.
I am all for helping anyone at anytime in their live. Even if it were to talk or just have a good cry or have a visit and go for coffee and just being oneself. Never try to be pretendious as it doesn,t work. I have come to see how important it is to be there for anyone who has wanted assistance and not my judgement.
I have a passion for life and I love life more than any of you could know, and because of my oneness with the universe or however the terminology. I know I feel in control of my life and calm and peaceful.
It took a few years to understand that many times our pains are inflicted upon us by our parents or peers, and more so the brain washing techniques of the WatchTower Society are also responsible for people who have come apart at the seams as it were. It has been an instrument of destruction to many a person especially those who have taken their own precious live. I pray God holds them the WTS responsible for the lives of these dear people who's only aim in life was to please God the Organization and the elders and the GB.
With love, help, and care we are capable of helping a person to get a hold of their live and work at a healing process. If at anytime or crisis in a persons life they should never fear to ask for help because there is so many who really do care.
All my love