Witnessing Tip (how many true gods are there)

by Big Jim 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Witnessing Tip of the Month: Jehovah's Witnesses - How Many True Gods Are There?

    The next time the Jehovah's Witnesses come to your you may ask them, "Does your organization teach more than one true God?"

    Almost without fail the sharp Witness will reply, "We only believe in one true God, Jehovah.

    Explain that you agree with this statement saying, "I also believe in only one true God and all other gods are false gods.

    The ask, "How do you understand John 1:1 that teaches, the Word [Jesus] was God?

    Usually they will quote their own New World Translation saying that the "original Greek" states the Word was "a god."

    Rather than debating the proper Greek translation you can simply respond, "Well if Jesus is 'a god,' is He a true God or a false god?"

    From this discussion the Jehovah's Witness can be shown that Watchtower theology forces them to have two true Gods in John 1:1, or teach that Jesus is a false God.

    The Witness can not say that Jesus is a false God, and because the Watchtower's well know stance against Polytheism [the belief in more that one God], they cannot say that Jesus is also a true God.

    The proselyte may try to answer this problem by showing you others in the Bible who were called God or by saying that Jesus is a lesser God. Their book, Reasoning From the Scriptures teaches that Jehovah is the "Almighty God" while Jesus is simply a "mighty god." (p. 413-14).

    Simply point out that while some are called gods (i.e. Satan, wicked Judges etc.) they were certainly false gods not true Gods.

    Also, if Jesus is a "lesser god" is He a lesser True God or a lesser false god?

    This dialogue can be used by itself to quickly plant a seed at the front door or as an spring board for further discussion on the Deity of Christ, other problems with the New World Translation, or additional reasons you do not follow the Watchtower Society.

  • God_knows

    1John 5:7

    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; AND THESE THREE ARE ONE.

    ONE God in three forms, distinct but not separate.

    Can one truly separate the Father from the Word and the Will of God? You CANT.

  • Seeker

    Where'd that part of the verse come from? It certainly wasn't in the original manuscripts.

  • ianao


    The "comma" strikes again.

  • Simon

    Excellent post Big Jim - simple logical arguments like these are impossible for people to ignore.

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