Jesus juice

by got my forty homey? 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    So the latest is, that Micheal Jackson has been drinking wine out of soda cans and giving it kids. Its bad enough that he's drinking alcohol out of soda cans, but then giving it kids.

    And the best part, white wine=Jesus Juice; red wine=Jesus blood

    Can these tales get any more sordid?

  • pc

    So maybe that's how his hair caught on fire during that coke commercial years ago, the Jack Daniels ignited!!! LOL PC

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    So all the while we thought he was the King of POP, he was the King of VINO.

  • xjw_b12

    That reminds me of the parties we used to have while in school.

    Everbody would bring a bottle of booze, and we'd pour it into a 5 gallon bucket, and top it off with 6 or so bottles of David Mogan wine.

    They were referred to us "Purple Jesus" parties.

  • orangefatcat

    Fall To Pieces Holy molly, how can you ever drink that a much of Mogan David Wine!!!!!!!!!! Its so sweet and Kosher too.

    When in my early years from age birth until I was 13, we use to have Mogan David wine for Easter, Christmas. It was the high light of the night when grandma would give me a jigger full of wine. Yahoooooo..

    Lovethecat you know whoOrange Fat Cat 15 Bouncing Hearts Circle Of Hearts

    Prince Kiss

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