A Trip Down Memory Lane (for Room 215)

by cruzanheart 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    As I promised a few weeks ago, here is a photo of my grandmother, my uncle, and a couple of old Greek friends from 'way back in the late 1950's. From left to right is Eugenia Tsigaris, my grandmother Vasiliki Giannacopoulos, George Tsigaris, and my uncle Paul Janis (he shortened his name for convenience). They went to the Greek congregation around the Teaneck/Englewood, New Jersey area.

  • SheilaM


  • Navigator

    Neat looking bunch! I could pick your Uncle as Greek without being told, having logged a good bit of time in Greece during my military service. I loved the Greek food, but didn't care much for the wine. The people were most hospitable. I marveled at how they could wreak a living out of that generally rocky soil.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Ah.... memories of my yia-yia!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Wow, Cruzanheart, talk about a blast from the past! I sure rekindles memories of what now seems to be another lifetime... can't wait to share this with at least two friends who will surely treasure the moment! Thanks and thanks, from Two One Five

  • hornetsnest

    Room 215 ---

    And with apologies to Cruzanheart as this isn't exactly on subject ...

    I've seen you post here for a long time and your board name has always intrigued me. Perhaps it's just a figment of my imagination, but I get the sense that it must refer to a room of special significance at headquarters. (Torture room?) (Grin)

    If you don't find the question offensive, or revealing such information wouldn't compromise you in some way, I'd be interested in the story behind that room.

    My best to you.


  • cruzanheart

    Hi, Tom! No, I don't mind the question at all. My name, "cruzanheart," refers to St. Croix, where I lived from 1965-1970 (ages 9-14). I loved that island and the people on it and consider it my heart's home. A person from St. Croix is a Cruzan, so since my heart is there (when it's not with my dear family in Dallas, Texas, where I REALLY live right now), I call myself "cruzanheart."

    And that's the WHOLE story!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hornet, you have a PM

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