Spain: Israel, molested at 5 years and committed to silent his abuse. Juan, disfellowshipped for enquiring about molestation, sexual abuse

by sp74bb 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sp74bb




    Ex JW against the Law of Silence of the Organization

    Israel Flórez says that the organization demanded that it not count the abuses suffered to protect the image of the group

    Juan Bourgon has been expelled from the confession for asking about child sexual abuse


    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 - 23:06 CET

    Israel Flórez, a 42-year-old man from Toledo, told El Periódico that the Angel Gate congregation - belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses - asked him to hide in 2000 the sexual abuse he suffered as a child - in 1979 - By a member of this religious denomination.

    Florez's parents adopted the Jehovah's Witnesses faith in 1968. He was already born within this religious confession. When he was 5 years old, his mother left him one day with the son of some friends who would be between 17 and 18 years, also of the religious organization. He took him to his house, located on the Paseo de los Jesuitas (Madrid), locked him in his room, undressed him, touched him and masturbated in front of him.

    After listening to him, the old man - this is the name given to the senior people within each congregation - replied that he would communicate the information with the headquarters of Ajalvir (Madrid). Days later, he explained that it was best to "do nothing", that he had to "leave the matter to Jehovah."

    After this incident, both he and his wife walked away from the confession because they realized that the court held court hearings for reasons as pilgrims as "smoking, get drunk, be homosexual or see pornography" and yet in cases like yours Opted not to act against the aggressor, who "continues today to be part of the creed."

    Flórez has recently filed a complaint with the Guardia Civil in Toledo, in addition to that of Noelia Piris and the one that Miguel García presented in the Mossos d'Esquadra, as well as that of Sarah in Salamanca. He says he has done so because he wants to "avoid" what happens to more people than he has to live in an organization that "does not respect the basic freedoms that all human beings have."


    The fifth complaint lodged at the police headquarters against this organization was presented by Juan Bourgon, a 38-year-old man living in Santander. He has recently been expelled from the confession after asking in his congregation about the veracity of news published in the newspapers 'El País' and 'El Mundo' that reported on sexual abuse committed by members of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States and about The millionaire damages that were being paid to the victims.

    An old man from his congregation, Cuatro Caminos (Santander), asked him to refrain from "talking" with the other members of this information and urged him to write a letter to the leadership that he himself would deliver to resolve his doubts. Bourgon has sent to this newspaper the missive that he wrote and that was never sent. Juan Bourgon, extestigo of Jehovah in Santander

    Days later, two elders set up a meeting with him, which lasted six hours, during which they tried to convince him that they were "orchestrated by the devil". They did not succeed. And he remained restless and talking to his acquaintances. Soon after, he was expelled for "apostasy."

    His father has taken his word away. "He thinks I'm a mentally ill," explains this man who has been severely cut off from his relationship with his family by asking about sexual abuse of minors that occur within this confession.

    Bourgon has filed this complaint both in the National Police Corps and in the Civil Guard. The first body handed the complaint to a court of investigation and the court has filed because "no appreciation of any crime." A decision that has appealed. The second, at the moment, as noted by police sources, is taken into account as part of its investigation into sexual abuse of minors silenced within this creed.

  • sp74bb

    Original text for reference:

    Extestigos de Jehová contra la ley del silencio de la organización

    Israel Flórez asegura que la organización le exigió que no contara los abusos sufridos para proteger la imagen del grupo

    Juan Bourgon ha sido expulsado de la confesión por preguntar sobre el maltrato sexual infantil

    Israel Flórez, Testigo de Jehová.

    Israel Flórez, Testigo de Jehová.


    Israel Flórez, un hombre de 42 años de Toledo, ha asegurado a EL PERIÓDICO que la congregación Puerta del Ángel -perteneciente a los Testigos Cristianos de Jehová- le pidió que ocultara en el año 2000 los abusos sexuales que sufrió de pequeño -en 1979- por parte de un miembro de esta confesión religiosa.

    Los padres de Flórez adoptaron la fe de los Testigos de Jehová en 1968. Él ya nació dentro de esta confesión religiosa. Cuando tenía 5 años, su madre le dejó un día con el hijo de unos amigos que tendría entre 17 y 18 años, también de la organización religiosa. Este se lo llevó a su casa, ubicada en el paseo de los Jesuitas (Madrid), lo encerró en su habitación, lo desnudó, le hizo tocamientos y se masturbó frente a él.

    Tras escucharle, el anciano -este es el nombre que reciben las personas de mayor rango dentro de cada congregación- le respondió que comunicaría la información con la sede central de Ajalvir(Madrid). Días después, le explicó que lo mejor era "no hacer nada", que tenía que "dejar el asunto en manos de Jehová".

    Tras este incidente, tanto él como su mujer se alejaron de la confesión porque se dieron cuenta de que esta celebraba audiencias judiciales por motivos tan peregrinos como "fumar, emborracharse, ser homosexual o ver pornografía" y, sin embargo, en casos como el suyo optaba por no actuar contra el agresor, quien "sigue a día de hoy formando parte del credo".

    Flórez ha presentado recientemente una denuncia ante la Guardia Civil en Toledo que se suma a la de Noelia Piris y a la que Miguel García presentó en los Mossos d’Esquadra, así como a la de Sarah en Salamanca. Afirma que lo ha hecho porque quiere "evitar" que le ocurra a más gente lo mismo que le ha tocado vivir a él dentro de una organización que "no respeta libertades básicas que tienen todos los seres humanos".


    La quinta denuncia presentada en sede policial contra esta organización la ha presentada Juan Bourgon, un hombre de 38 años residente en Santander. Ha sido recientemente expulsado de la confesión tras preguntar en su congregación acerca de la veracidad de noticias publicadas en los diarios 'El País' y 'El Mundo' que informaban sobre los abusos sexuales cometidos por miembros de los Testigos de Jehová en Estados Unidos y sobre las indemnizaciones millonarias que se estaban pagando a las víctimas.

    Un anciano de su congregación, Cuatro Caminos (Santander), le pidió que se abstuviera de “hablar” con el resto de miembros de estas informaciones y le instó a escribir una carta a la cúpula que él mismo entregaría para resolver sus dudas. Bourgon ha hecho llegar a este diario la misiva que escribió y que nunca se envió. Juan Bourgon, extestigo de Jehová en Santander

    Días después, dos ancianos montaron un encuentro con él, que duró seis horas, durante el que trataron de convencerle de que se trataba de publicaciones "orquestadas por el demonio". No lo lograron. Y siguió inquieto y hablando con sus conocidos. Poco después fue expulsado por "apostasía".

    Su padre le ha retirado la palabra. "Cree que soy un enfermo mental", explica este hombre que ha visto truncada gravemente la relación con su familia al preguntar sobre los abusos sexuales a menores que se producen dentro de esta confesión.

    Bourgon ha presentado esta denuncia tanto en el Cuerpo Nacional de Policía como en la Guardia Civil. El primer cuerpo entregó la querella a un juzgado de instrucción y este lo ha archivado porque "no aprecia ningún delito". Una decisión que ha recurrido. El segundo, de momento, según remarcan fuentes policiales, la tiene en cuenta como parte de su investigación sobre los abusos sexuales a menores silenciados dentro de este credo.

  • Vidiot

    1000 years from now, JWs will be little more than an embarrassing footnote in some archaeology textbook.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The people of Spain need to warned and protected from this cruel Mind Control Cult. I'm sure the nation of Spain will address this issue with many lawsuits and I'm sure to the letter of the law.

    Does Spain have any child molestation lawsuits against the Catholic Church? That would kind of tell us about how it would be handled against the JW organization.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    This public news spells the end of WT influence in Spain as the government acts to protect it's citizen from such criminals of the mind for profits, to run a printing establishment corporation with slave labor of the gullible. Protect the elderly that slaved for the WT and were tossed to the curb by this "christian organization" god organization as it were from their very words to the gulible.

  • sp74bb

    Hello Brokeback,

    We had in Spain a recent lawsuit with "Maristas" a part of Catholic Church. Unfortunately most of the cases were prescribed. The law only allows 10 to 15 years after being 18 years old. Now there is a trend in politicians to extend it up to 30 years.

  • Vidiot

    As I said recently in a similar thread, I've long suspected that the adamant and ruthless silencing and/or expulsion of victims and questioners by WT reps at the grassroots level reveal an extreme form of irrational and panicked denial.

  • sp74bb

    A total denial panick method....

  • flipper

    Good for Mr. Bourgon and Mr. Florez for speaking up and exposing the criminal acts of child abuse within the JW organization. If more and more people within the ranks of JW's start telling their experiences to the media it will cause more awareness on a global scale and perhaps leaders of this criminal organization will be held accountable for their awful child abuse policies. WT leaders have gotten away far too long with too many crimes to count. Thanks for posting this

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