Tiffany Haddish, comedian. "Life in South Central Los Angeles in the 90's, "there were gang violence, crack heads, drive by shooting and JW's". How interesting she associated all the bad things in South Central and JW's.....Door to door work in South Central can be a little dangerous, my hat off to those folks. The cart work may be a little safer.
JW's and crack heads
by James Mixon 7 Replies latest jw friends
She used to attend as a kid. Look on YouTube for her first interview on The Breakfast Club, with Charlemagne, another person who was raised as a JW. She's had a hard life, foster homes, mother turned bi-polar after car accident which is why she was in and out of foster homes.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Paging @jwfacts. He and his family covered some territory in the Bronx back in the 90s.
As for Haddish lumping in JWs with drug addicts and gang violence... I do see the criminal link. Think of Witnessing as masturbation - only JWs enjoy it, and they should be arrested for doing it in public.
@WMUBYJH, I did go preaching in the Bronx when on holidays in New York in 1995. I asked why were we preaching in a group of six and not two, “Is it dangerous?” “No”, they assured me.
We went into the Projects. No one opened their doors, just spoke through them and looked through the peep holes. Except when I spoke. What was a white Aussie doing in the projects. They would open the door to chat, but only as far as the security chain would allow.
I’m going to have to check it out! I am wondering what part of south-central she grew up in. She is very accurate in her assessment Though. Our congregation had over 100 publishers in about 40 pioneers. There were four congregations in our kingdom hall..
Some of the experiences as a 13-year-old auxiliary pioneer were incredible. Overall though, I enjoyed the experience. I wouldn’t trade it. Gangs and crack cocaine were prevalent during that time. There were witnesses who were gang members. What an interesting mix.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@SouthCentral "There were witnesses who were gang members. What an interesting mix."
Make that a 12 inch mix and you've got yourself some Kool-Aid and the Gang:
Our kingdom hall was on Manchester, near the Harbor Freeway. Our territory included most of the area for the Hoover Crips. I remember a close friend who was called a JAh-Hoover!!!
Unfortunately, when in field service, he was definitely a target for a drive-by.
James Mixon
SouthCentral: I believe I visited your KH 1974..My niece married a brother from that congregation.I served in the Altadena congregation.