Jehovah's Witnesses accused of covering up historic sex abuse
by defender of truth 8 Replies latest social current
defender of truth
I apologize if the above has already been posted. On a related note..
Has anyone else heard about this?>>
The UK Government has been asked to introduce mandatory reporting to police whenever an allegation of child sex abuse is made within the faith group.
Concern over the number of "hidden" victims has prompted campaigners to hand a letter to Downing Street calling on the government to take action.
Nick French's story:
If anybody wants to ask him about whether he got any response, or just send messages of support:
You can hate on the congregation all you want (and I do) but if the parents are willing to hide it then the kid is fucked.
While I cannot for the life of me understand how a grown man would allow any organization to keep him from protecting a child being subjected to this type of abuse, I came to the sad realization that all the jdub men in my life when i grew up were nothing more than sycophantic pussies.
A spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses said the church deplored Pheasey's behavior and denied it was involved in a cover up of his crimes.
The spokesman said: "Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse, and view it as a heinous crime and sin. The safety of our children is of the utmost importance.
"Any suggestion that Jehovah’s Witnesses cover up child abuse is absolutely false. We are committed to doing all we can to prevent child abuse and to provide spiritual comfort to any who have suffered from this terrible sin and crime."
The inherently errant problem with the WTS/JWS handling situations of child sexual abuse within its organization is that they make an assertive attempt to handle these situations internally and they have been influencing its members to not bring these matters to the local police authorities, as doing so might taint the outward image of the organization itself. Because of this many of these circumstance went poorly handled or properly investigated, leaving victims not cared for properly and perpetrators fleeing, only to turn more children into their victims.
In situations of denial the JW's elders hands are tied and they usually restrain from encouraging the matter toward local police authorities,
(Which they have been instructed by the WTS heads themselves)
Unfortunately its been acknowledged that sexual predators have been exploiting the handling of sexual abuse within the organization in its pertaining cover over hush policy.
Joe Grundy
WT/JW is an admittedly centrally-regulated organisation.
The ARC investigation, with questioning of all levels of WT organisation up to and including the top (GB) has exposed WT policies and practices.
WT/JW policies, practices and attitudes towards abuse have been exposed to the world. No amount of spin/PR/back-pedalling can undo that.
They are, to use the vernacular, f*cked, and the consequences will flow.
Well, the Governing Body(tm) LOVES to use the word HISTORIC in describing the banal minutiae of the everyday goings on in their religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses. At least now, Satan and his system recognize the HISTORIC significance of the everyday actions of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Joe Grundy
PS: I ought to explain more. I never was a JW. I moved to Cyprus in 2005 when I retired from the old bill. My neighbours were a swedish jw woman, her converted GC jw husband (did jail time re national service) and two kids (3 and 5). Nice people, but utterly besotted by the WT//JW propaganda. I still think of/fear for those girls.
I know what child/sexual abuse is about. Frankly, I think I still suffer from mild PTSD from dealing with so much of it in my professional life.
WT/JW is not the only organisation to hide abuse, but it happens to be my chosen target. I continue to refer stuff I find to the UK charity Commission, to UK Enquiry Commissions, and to the media.
IMHO, WT is an evil organisation. Its policies and practices deserve to be brought to light.
"The spokesman said: "Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse, and view it as a heinous crime and sin. The safety of our children is of the utmost importance.
"Any suggestion that Jehovah’s Witnesses cover up child abuse is absolutely false. We are committed to doing all we can to prevent child abuse and to provide spiritual comfort to any who have suffered from this terrible sin and crime."
They say this every time, with every instance of abuse that they are caught out about-denying that they cover it up. Lots of smoke, there is fire. I am sick of their canned and insincere response. It is absolutely meaningless and even I have memorized it. They need to come up with a more convincing response, like an abject apology and a new resolve to help children and other victims properly.
defender of truth
Joe Grundy
WT/JW is not the only organisation to hide abuse, but it happens to be my chosen target.
I continue to refer stuff I find to the UK charity Commission, to UK Enquiry Commissions [Independent Inquiry into child sexual abuse in England and Wales], and to the media.
Same here. Keep up the good work;)
I believe that the Independent Inquiry in the UK may still investigate the JW's at some point.
To anyone else reading this-
If you are interested in the Independent Inquiry, or why I still think the JW organization could be investigated further down the line, please see here: