Reeeal mennn of geniUSSSS....
Here's to you, Mr. Microphone Hand-el-er (Mister Microphone Hannnd-el-ER...)
You accepted this assignment at the age of 12 to show the congregation that you were reaching out (You want to be a SerVANT...)
And now at the age of 34 you are the best damn mich handler in the circuit (Fastest in the cir-uh-cuit...)
From the left hand to the right hand and back to the left, and with the speed of a gazelle, you always arrive to the person before Mr. Watchtower-Study-Conductor calls out the name (There before the name gets called...)
Sure, people are gossiping about what's holding you back from being a servant, but you still go out there on any given Sunday and prove to the happiest people on earth that YOU are a Real Man of Genius!
Mr. Microphone Hand-el-ERRRrrrrrr...