Happy birthday to our son Kessan, I hope he doesn't do this to us
Our son becomes a teenager today it's also our 27th Anniversary
by cantleave 6 Replies latest jw friends
Nice one all-round CL. Good to see Harry Enfield and Kevin again. Congrats on the anniversary! -
Thanks K99 - any excuse to post some classic comedy -
Congratulations Cantleave!🎉
I have exactly 682 days until I'm gonna have 2 sweet little boys morph into KEVINS! Thanks for reminding !😜
Happy Birthday to Kessan and congrats on your Anniversary. Cheers! -
LOL @ the vid. And congratulations! Funny, isn't it though, that Armageddon still hasn't arrived.
I remember being told I'd never have to go to high school because Armageddon was so close. Then one day, I'm sitting in one of my high school classes and it suddenly hit me. "Heeeey... I'm not supposed to be here."
But there I was.
stan livedeath
congratulations Cantleave and Nugget---and happy birthday Kes
hope you are all on top form---not seen you for ages--soon be xmas lunch time again.